Humaria - How long did it take to work | Arthritis Information


I am a long time RA suffer who has been going down hill the last year or so.  I had been on enbrel for approximately 3 1/2 years.  We tried adding some DMARDS to the mix with nothing working.  I will be taking my fourth shot (8 weeks) of humaria this Sunday.

My question is, how long until it started working for you?  So far, I have seen absolutely no effects from it and am doing terrible.  I go back to dr. on July 11 and will switch to one of the IV medicines if it is not working yet. 

I have been on it since Aug of 2006 and I am also still suffering.  According to my lab work, my ra is under control but I am still very swollen with red, sore joints, am very fatigued and have a lot of constant pain despite high amounts of opiod pain relievers.

Edited to add, I do my shoots weekly!

Mine worked ok on once every other week. But I done much better on once a week. With once every other week, I always had 1 "good" week and 1 "bad" week. Now I have so-so weeks, one day I am able to do something and then the next day I am not. But I do have less swelling, less pain, and more mobile.

To get the best I was going to get, took me about 4 or 5 months.

joonie39255.5153703704IT WORKS??????????  OK what am i doing wrong???? It was 3 shots for me before I felt a difference when I first started the Humira.

To everyone that Humira is not working for them...I am so sorry.  I hope that your docs switch you soon and get you on something that does work for you. 

Well I did notice less swelling and stiffness within my first shot, but it did not really kick in until I got put on once every week.