Injection Locations | Arthritis Information


What body part(s) do you give your injections in?


Hubby gives me mine, in my stummy.


Does it hurt more in the thigh?

I do the stummy, because I am numb from c-section and do not feel it that much until the Humira works its way up pass the numb area.

joonie39255.521712963Inject MXT thigh.  Doesn't hurt at all.  Enbrel hurt but it was the med and ingredients in inj. not the needle.  Lindy

I shoot up in the thigh.  Sometimes Danielle will shoot me with the humira and she does that in my arm. 

I have a funny story about injecting myself.  One day my weirder than weird neighbors were listening to a conversation I had with Danny and I was talking about that I had to shoot up soon.  Next day, we get a call from our landlord asking me if we are doing drugs because she heard that I was shooting up.  LOL.  I told her no and that I was talking about injecting my arthritis meds with Danny and that some people should mind their own beeswax lol. 

I alternate my injections , thigh, tummy( left side) then thigh tummy ( right side) .
