Rock Bottom? | Arthritis Information


When was your "rock bottom"?

You know when you come to terms that you do have something that is not going to go away unless you do something about it and you could not live like that any longer?

Ok, I will start since it is my question.

I do not have a problem with taking pills, it is the needles that is used to keep track of or adminster meds with, that use to keep me from going to get my RA seen about like I was suppose to.

Once an RD mentioned "injections" I would stop going to them. So, I would go without RA meds, because at that time I was not doing that bad (denial). I then became preggo with my son, and went into preggo remission, but I did take 5mg of pred, because I had trouble with morning stiffness, and did not want to lay in the bed all day and gain much unneeded weight, so the pred was used to help me be more active.

Then after having son, I remembered how I did not do so well a couple of months after having my daughter, so I tried to get some meds to help counter that, but it was too late. I was going downhill and fast.

By the time my son was 3 months old, I was completely bedridden & unable to tend to myself or my son. After getting insurance back and able to get meds and see and RD. I gave into taking "injections" because I had hit rock bottom and there was no more running from the dreaded injections.

I have been on injections *shutters* since feb of last year.

I'll never forget that day.  It was in the morning and I had somehow made my way to the can.  I sat there for 3 hrs. trying to figure out how to get off of that porcelain pony and when I tried I just fell to the ground.  That was my "rock-bottom." So there I was crying my eyes out in a puddle of pity and for some reason, at that moment, I decided that this RA was not gonna beat me.  I'll never forget that.  And so far, RA has taken its toll but still hasn't beaten me!

I sorry, Binge.

P.S. Porcelain Pony Porcelain Pony lol.  Binge needs spurs too. rock bottom...when I woke up and my toes wouldn't move on Christmas Eve morning.  I guess it was time to do something about it. 

Ok... I just made myself laugh until I cried...

it was because I thought of Binge riding his porcelin pony with his cowboy hat, lasso and spurs and women as he is riding thru town yelling "YeeHaw! Ride that sh*tter, cowboy!" ROTFLMAO!!!

sorry, sorry... I keep messing up my serious posts.

It was scary!

Now cortizon shots, I have only had 3 of those. And my RD knows I do not like needles, so he did not even tell me he was giving me a cortisone shot, until him and his nurse blocked me in my chair where I could not run!

When my 5 year old was sobbing hysterically because "you're too sick.  You can't save me from the monsters".


Awwww.... I sorry Pip

I have been really struggling with the stairs for the past 2-3 years, but this really drove home the fact that my life has drastically changed and that I can no longer live in a 2-story house. I LOVE my house, but we're putting it up for sale in the very near future...probably before the end of summer.  :(

Awww... I sorry, Brisen


Thanks joonie! I do have a nice scar in the shape of an upside down 'V' on my forehead, and I'm still having some neck issues, but what the heck. For the most part I am recovered and back to work, but it still makes me shudder when I think of that fall.

I went to the dr the next day and asked for an immediate emergency referral to  a Rheumy

All people with RA should live in a ranch. All in favor say I!

Yeah... I do not like steps/stairs. That is another reason why we needed to move out of the trailer was because of those 5 steps I had to go up & down to get in & out of the trailer.

When I was about 4 month pregnant with son... I lost my balance on the 3rd step and fell down them and landed on my butt really hard. I did not tell anyone about it until I found out I had a bruise and my wrist and hand was hurting. I told Hubby about it a couple of days later and MIL about the same time. I already had a miscarriage scare with son when I was about 2 months pregnant with him. So... that fall could have been bad

Heck I had a hard time climbing up 2 steps to get into the garden tub, to get a shower! I would lose my balance on the first step and almost fall in head first. Good thing I would catch the wall, but one time I did fall, and it hurt. I was like a bar soap that had been dropped... you know sliding back and forth on the bottom of the tub