Insert Pills Here... | Arthritis Information


anyone else have a hard time putting the pills in there mouth because your arm does not bend that far to reach your hand to your mouth?

I usually have to bend over to my hand to get my pills in my mouth or get hubby to put them in my mouth when I cannot bend over to my hand.

What a vicious cycle... cannot open pill bottle, cannot get pills in mouth and repeat!

ARRRGGGGHHHHH........PILLS!!! I am pill phobic.I break out in a sweat and my heart beats fasT when i see pills. I cant swallow them or put them in my mouth AT ALL... I have to crush every tablet i take or buy the disolveable ones, if they come in capsule form then i 've had doctor laughs at me cause if i need an antibiotic he gives it to me in liquid form ike the kids I had the open the pill bottle problem.  But I don't need to use safety caps on my bottles so I just flip them over.  Gotta love Walgreens.

What I do have a problem opening now is the package that my Foradil comes in.  Talk about not being arthritis friendly.  Some of those have been thrown across the room lol. 

Hey I have thrown glass baby food jars around the room and hit a wall because I could not open it to fed my son. After that I got hubby to pre-open the jar of food the night before, and even then I struggled opening an already open jar because hubby would tighten it too tight! MEN!!

Another thing that drives me practically insane every time I use it, is deodorant! You know...that semi-rounded cap on the top of stick type deodorants. Grrrrrrrrrrr!

Oh I use my teeth to open the IBU bottle, the flip top cap. Yeah... everyone gets mad at me for using my teeth to open stuff, but hey! I have to do what I have to do to have a little independance.

I try to wedge things between my teeth or use my bottom teeth like a pry bar


i have that problem also with dropping my tablets on the floor . i panic thinking my dog will eat them as she's a piglet and will eat anything . especially people food . joonie i also use my teeth to open things . like the coke bottle my hubby does up way too tight.

Toothpaste tubes are hard to open for me.  Trying to grip that small cap lol.  I try to get hubby to remember to get me toothpaste in the pump but he doesn't always remember lol. 

I just got a neat bottle opener from the rheumy office.  He had this jar full of them.  Of course they were from humira but who cares.  One end opens those frustrating 2 liter bottles and one end you can slip under the pull tabs of cans of things. 

Every pill that I dispense at the hospital comes in unit doses. So I have to
open each and every one of those paper/bubble/foil/etc wraps. Im spent by
the end of the day. I keep my own pills in med boxes now so it isn't so bad.

I drop pills a lot.. with a 20 month old its absolutely important to find them. I drop a lot of things.

I have trouble swallowing my trazodone,  my lamictal and my half  toprolol tablets..its funny because the lamictal is so tiny but it gets caught.  After I had my tonsils removed a bit of tonsil tissue grew back and the lamictal and toprolol get caught on the jagged tissue clump.. The trazodone gets stuck halfway down then disolves and I choke awful cause its so bitter..

I gag a lot too, so some mornings I have to skip my meds for a couple hours til the gagging stops.

I take 11 tablets in the morning and 7 at night and I HATE  that I have to

i gag from my morning thyroid tablet and they are tiny . the bigger tablets are fine . all up i take 16 tablets a day

Ok has anyone ever gotten pred or a pill stuck in their throat and no matter how much you drink it was still there and it just tasted gross and it made you blech and it burned?

I hate it when I do that.