anyone here have sjogrens? | Arthritis Information


Hi there,

I had my RD appointment yesterday and they are testing for Sjogrens.  Which would explain why the inside of my mouth is so sore and dry, plus why I have been so thirsty.  If this is what is decided I will be glad to know I have not been crazy and that my fatigue is from this.  I can live with that.  He prescribed Ultram.  I was not sure about this drug, read about it and it seemed 'scary', although I talked to my boss, who has lupus, she has taken it and seem to like the way it helps her to sleep.  (sorry for the run-on sentence)  Anywho, I will be glad to hear the blood test results.  I also have to get a tilt table test.  I will be scheduling that soon.  Thanks to all of you for being here while I was waiting for my appointment.


Hi Cristal, yes I have Sjogren's too. It didn't show up abnormal on my blood test, so I asked my Rheumy how I could have it. She said about 30% of people with Sjogren's have negative blood tests.

She told me that my symptoms leave no doubt in her mind that I have it. This, of course, is in addition to RA and other things. But Sjogren's really has some very clear symptoms. You are definitely not crazy.

By the way, long ago, before my RA was ever diagnosed, I was on Ultram for pain, because time they said it was non-addictive and was not an opiate. I  took up to 8 a day at the end and it didn't touch my pain. Everyone is different. That's one of the weirdest things about auto-immune diseases; no two people have exactly the same symptoms or respond to the same meds the same way.

Good luck, Cristal. Let us know how you are doing,



I too have Sjorgren's. The eye dr. did a test where they put little strips in
you eyelids and check for tear production. They also did bloodwork but I
don't know what it said. I am assuming it was to check for sed rate.
Anyway, it has caused me quite a few problems with my eyes. I see the
opthomologist(sp?) once a month. My eyes are constantly inflammed- it
just depends on when it gets to a point there is a potential for damage.
Then I get steriod drops for the eyes.

I have also had ultram. Didn't do much pain wise but it made by very
hyper. All pain meds to that--doesn't sound like a bad side effect but it
drives me crazy. But, like Nini said--no two people respond the same

Let us know what the doc says


I have Sjogren's too. Its affecting my mouth badly and my eyes. I have had vision changes because of it.

I take ultram for pain, but  its well worth the possible side effects.

Thanks for the information.  My mouth is always dry and also my lips and throat.  Sometimes I think my throat is sticking together.  I have been eating sugar free hard candy for about 1 year now.  Had no idea it may be something serious.  I guess I'll know for sure when the blood work comes back.Wow....I should ask about that. I'm always eating or drinking or sucking on something. My mouth is always SO dry.

I kind of think it's my Cymbalta though, because it didn't start until then.

I've had dry eyes my entire life. I go thhrough eye drops like water. LOL. (also wore nothing BUT contacts for 15 years. not anymore! thankyou prednisone for THREE corneal eye ulcers in one week)  
