FLARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Arthritis Information


Just wanna update you guys on me!!! Well its been a week and still going thru this horrid flare. The pain just wont let up. Last night was the worse night of the wk. I was in so much pain all I could do was sit on the edge of the bed and rock. Got up and took Ultram pill and the pain died down some, but still couldnt get comfortable enough to sleep soundly. Kept waking up every hour til 7a.m. Now its midday and Im ready to crash, but unfortunately my mom and neice with are sick with some kinda stomach virus and she has a newborn and a 4 yr old she needs help with.

Good news is I see my RD Tues., and we have a lot to talk about. If I didnt know before I know now:

ARTHRITIS PAIN AINT NO JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am sorry to hear that you are going through such a hard time.  It is wonderful that you got in with your rhuemo so soon - I hope he/she can find something to help you with this awful pain that you are having. 



I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with so much pain, and I agree Arthritis pain ain't no joke. don't you hate the commercials that say two aleve will take away all your arthritis pain. now, that is a joke. anyway, I just wanted to say hang in there, better days are coming.

Sorry to hear you are in pain Shawnie. I hope it gets better for you as the week progresses. Good news you do not have to wait a long time before you get to see your RD.

Oh and you might want to ask your RD for something a lil' better then Ultram. I was on Ultram too, BUT it did not seem to help me but for 30-45 mins. And then the rest of the night I was still in pain and unable to sleep.

I hope that your Rd finds something to help with your flare.


Hey Linda,

I was just looking at and Advil commercial, the one with the lady holding here grandbaby, and Im like yeah right!!!!!!! My joints would probably laugh at me if I took two Advils. And the commercial that really ticks me off is the Aleve ones where you can take two and it last ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure if the day is only two hrs long.

Take care


Hey Shawnie.  I have been complaining all day long that I don't feel as good today as I did yesterday.  I am really dragging.  It is sad but I read your post and went OMG  I remember those sleepless nights so well.  Rocking, trying to hold my aching joints just so and trying to cope one minute at a time with the pain.  You put everything back into perspective.  My heart goes out to you Shawnie.  I remember nights like you are having TOO WELL-  I felt so alone, it takes forever for the morning to come and life seems so bleak.  Just remember Shawnie. many of us have been there and things do turn around.  I hope they turn around for you soon. 

 PS  Over the counters are ridiculous for pain for me also.  The pain meds are barely effective when I am in a bad flare.   I just want to be KNOCKED OUT

Sorry you've been in such misery and pain.  Glad you'll see your RD tomorrow.  I used to take Ultram for pain, too, and that predated my RA dx.  It did absolutely nothing for my pain.  Hope you get relief!

Molly Bee

Thanks for the words of encouragment. You do feel very alone when your up all nite in pain. It seem like morning will never come and when it does all you want to do is hide in bed. It was a very loooong nite but I got thru it.

All of you have helped me so much in coping with RA, the bad and the worst of it.

I only hope I may have helped others the way you have helped me!


Shawnie sorry that you have been in so much pain recently. I hope your flare starts to clear up soon. Stay positive!

I am doing a little better today. It has been storming in Chicago today and very high humidity, so Ive been in all day trying to rest. The pain has decreased, but the stiffness is still there, which makes it hard to move. Im going to visit some friends in a bit, hopefully that will make me feel even better.

Hope you guys are well


Shawnie -

Well I was going to ask you if were feeling better today, but jenna and roxy beat me to it.

Welp, hope your flare is starting to ease up!

Shawnie...checking on you also....BEEN THERE!

bACK TO WORK TOMORROW AND TRY TO CATCH UP!  Everyone have a good evening!! 

Hope your miseries let up soon.  I'm flaring now too - especially feet and hands and wrists.  Oops, forgot my jaw too.  I take hope from reading the replies to your post.  It is so hard and impossible to describe to others when you hurt this bad.  Feet hurt too bad to walk on them but hands are so bad I can't hold the walker.  Physical hygiene is a joke and dressing even funnier.  The pain rock I know well.   Take care - this has to get better soon - for both of us (or should I say all of us!)
Hi Shawnie-I hope you pain eases up soon. It's just
miserable being in pain with no relief in sight....and
those nights can be so long.      I too remember
being in so much pain.. and the only way to get
through the night was just to hold on and rock back
and forth until I fell asleep.

Glad you are gong to see your RD soon and hope
(s)he can provide some relief. You will be in my

Just read all of your post and I really appreciate all of your responses. It does help me to think a little more positvely when I am feeling so bad. Wasnt on yesterday cuz I was feeling so awful. Had another bad night the day before. Sitting on the side of the bed again cuz it hurt to much to lay in any postion. I was so tired yesterday morning I pretty much laid around til it was time to go to the Doc.

On a brighter note my RD put me back on Predisone in low doses until I see here againg next month.  Hopefully by then the Plaquenil will have kicked in and help control my RA. So maybe by the end of the week I will be feeling a lot better.

Thank for all of your concern!


Shawnie.....I jsut had to add that here I am in Duck, North Carolina....doing the same thingyou are in Chicago - it can be veryn lonely...but you are not alone!  I think this heatwave is making it sooo much worse .  Hang in there....at least we can msg each other!


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