Food as entertainment/think about it alot | Arthritis Information


hi all, I'm trying to reduce calories and all I do is think about food. What I eat, what I shouldn't eat. I plan food in advance and try to eat well, but everytime I eat something 'bad' I feel guilty and frustrated. I believe since I have been really sick for so long (6 months) that I've gotten use to food as entertainment (Ice cream and cake for special events, or just anytime! and my husband loves sugar stuff), etc. Having a set diet doesn't work real well for me, but I may have to set aside a 'plan of attack' . Balanced diet, etc. I'd like to plan more walks on the beach and more fun stuff, well I'll do that too. I hope you are all having a great weekend. It is sunny and warm here. Rah!! Off the prednisone so no excuse of over eating!!LyndaI wish the sun was shining here, its rainy and grey today....I have been craving food for the last few days, anything be it sweet or savoury and I NEED TO STOP EATING , I cant understand it as I am not a big eater but its like i cant get enough..........Am not on pred either hi hurts and pin
its an issue with me too.   have just baked a gluten and dairy free chocolate cake for my daughter this afternoon.... trying to resist it!!   am hurting but she was desperate for something cakey to eat.
i also have to think a lot about food because they are both on special diets, and me too as a result.
i think the only way around the food thing is to turn it on its head and spend time thinking about what is healthy.
pin, the weather is bad for the rest of the week rain, rain , rain,  i hate weeks like this.!
anna_uk39257.4779282407 hi pin and hurts
*just thought about something else i heard... its better to have liquids than solids, so its better to have a bowl of soup rather than 3 biscuits.  i watched a health program on tv that said the liquid filled your stomach up better than the solids and stayed in the stomach longer so you felt more satisfied for longer.
*i also heard somewhere that lots of people feel hungry when they are really thirsty, so you should always make sure you are getting enough fluids 6-8 glasses water a day, and a lot of people lose weight like that.
*also, dont chew gum, it fills the stomach up with air and leaves you wtih that empty feeling.
*eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal and you will eat less.
never shop on an empty stomach.
anna_uk39257.5565740741If this is an ongoing issue for you, perhaps finding an online support board, nutritionist or OA group. I've had food issues since I was about 16. I either limit my intake and live on a low-calorie diet, feeling like I'm in control, yet somewhat underweight......or the exact opposite (eating whenever I feel like it, whatever I feel like eating). Since gaining 30 lbs on prednisone (and due to inactivity from not feeling like exercising), I've gone through a rough 2 years or so of eating willy nilly. I don't eat a lot and am not a binge-eater, but I've definately not been leading a very healthy lifestyle. I have incredible difficulty going on a traditional "healthy eating diet", so have shifted gears back into the calorie restricting mentality. I'm losing the weight I gained and will maintain once I get to a body mass index of about 18 or 19. I know not to go any lower than that. I wish you luck. I think food (and thoughts of it, preparing it, etc) takes up way too much energy and I truly wish it were not something we needed to stay alive. If I could just take a shot every day and be done with it, I would. Too much stress involved with the whole food/eating issue. Grrr. Sorry, ranting today and exposing my issues. Today I was driving to the store and I passed by a Kentucky Fried chicken place, A dunkin donuts, A taco bell, a Culvers Ice Cream. ( I love Ice Cream)
I wanted to cry.
I am 137 lbs and am dying to stay that way. However I know if I give in to these wonderful places I will be 170 lbs.
I have to work hard to keep my weight.

Once in awhile me and my husband go to Bob Chins and pig out on Lobster and crab legs and garlic rolls Oh I love their cole slaw and fries and we have clam chowder.
So, I save up for the good stuff.

Thinthin....I can relate. I used to be able to lose weight very easily. As I get older (40) I find that it is much more effort to lose weight. It is an effort. I'm determined to get back down to the low end of normal though.

Insane eating habits. I went out to watch over the nesting snowyplovers at the beach this afternoon. ON my way home I stopped at the Albertsons (I knew this was a bad idea) well....I walked past the fried chicken deli and bought 2 wings and ate them in the car!!

While I was checking out I kept looking at the 4 for $ candy bars..didn't buy any, but geeeeze they looked good. Also, bought the milk I went in for and a carton of vanilla yogurt. Came home and had a cup of the yogurt.

Is this nuts? Lynda

i'm sending you a pm.
Here's a clue

This too has happened to me after diagnoses. My day was spent looking forward to popping two vicodins, smoking a bowl of marijuana, and downing two cheap and greasy tostito's pizzas and donut holes all while wallowing in my own pain and anguish in front of the television.

As a result, i believe all that wheat and dairy just aggravated my symptoms, not to mention I gained 70 pounds which wreaked havok on my poor swollen ankles. I could barely walk! Please dont slip too far into this cycle, it makes you feel terrible about yourself

and it took me TWO years to get out from underneath the 70 pounds I gained! My suggestion is to plan out your day to be as much activity filled as possible, if it means picking up a new hobby like guitar, or crochet, or going out to walk to the dog daily at 7pm in the local park.

maybe join a painting class as michael's craft store, or go to the movies -- sans popcorn lol
