It’s BURNING!!! | Arthritis Information


Over the pass 6 months or so, my shoulder blades have been burning. At first I only got that burning sensation when I done something like washing dishes, sweeping, vaccuming, or anything that seemed to involve using my arms.

The last month or so, the burning sensation on my shoulder blades has been like everyday, and no matter what I do. Sitting up, typing on the computer, even walking around, my shoulder blades will feel like they are on FiRE!!!

The burning feels like someone has something really warm/hot against my shoulder blades or like I have a sunburn (which I know I do not, do not go outside enough).

It will usually go away if I lay down and rest and not move my arms, but it depends on how much I kept doing something while it was burning on how long it will take for the sensation to go away. Like sometimes it takes up to an hour for the burning to go away, after laying down, if I vaccum the livingroom.

When my shoulder blades are burning, I also seem to have increased stiffness in my neck and back. And my back tends to ache and hurt more too. So... it is a lose, lose situation

I get terrible burning pain too, in the same place as well... It's due to the inflammation in my spine and shoulder joints, they reckon it's referred pain. I find a gentle massage helpful - heat works too (perversely) and rest lying on my back with arms out to my sides. Also gentle stretching is good for loosening the muscles as they can go into spasm.

Sorry you've got this Joonie - hope it eases off...


Thanks for the info, KT!

I cannot stand for that area to be massaged, it just feels like they are beating me to death! It is horrid pain, it actually seems like it makes me feel worse pain wise and I tense up more.


Katie had this problem too June.  I know her doc put her on muscle relaxers and it seemed to help it a bit.  I'm sorry you're hurting Joonie. I don't have an answer for you. I have an aching that goes from the lower part of my head down to my shoulders. It usually comes on late every afternoon. Flexeril didn't do anything for me so my dr. gave me something called Skelaxin, but after reading the side effects (nausea and vomiting) I'm afraid to try it.The burning hot feeling my be from inflammation.  I like the laying on a bag of peas idea!  I get massage therapy and love it but it can be painful sometimes.  In those painful areas she just sort of tickles the are to try and get the fluid to move without really rubbing it.  I know areas of my body will radiate heat, like if I was sunburned but I am not, its "just" from inflammation.

I tried to get my RD to give me something for my neck and shoulders because they get tense and stiff. He just disregarded my asking and did not address it. He is old and forgetful.

So, hopefully my new regular dr I am going to go see the 9th will RX me something, he is an internal medicine dr. And let's hope he will refer me to another RD!!

Ummm... yeah.... we have no bag of peas in the freezer. We got a canna peas When you get to your new Rheumy, ask if he can check you out for any damage in that area. I have shoulder and spine problems that cause it to burn like that. Your muscles could be just really tense like Katie's. Or you may be overusing them for the condition they are in. One thing that has helped is targeted PT for those areas. It's hard starting out, but things eventually loosen up. 

I have myofacial pain. My massage therapist really worked to loosen and break up the tightness/thickness surrounding my muscles. I wish i could afford to continue to see him...

Oh NO! Deanna mentioned Pain & Torture aka PT

I was actually thinking about asking to go to PT for a few of my limitations and see if PT would fix them. But the problem would be how I would get there and who would watch my son while I was in PT. *sigh*  Life SUCKS!

