trigger finger | Arthritis Information


anyone ever had a trigger finger? My reumy says I got that condition because of RA. Had operation to fix it.

My mommy has a trigger finger. Hers went away after her taking Celebrex I think. She said it was really painful. She would wake up in the morning and not extend her finger all the way out.


I have had both middle fingers triggering at the same time. I had cort in both and so far it has been years since they have triggered. It was the most painful place that I have had to have cortisone injected into but it paid off.  Yup! Had surgery to correct as well. When they got in the hand however, it had this gunk(technical term) all over the tendons and they basically stripped the tendons. The labs couldn't identify the gunk, but that's when I was introduced to my RA MD. They also did a carpal tunnel release while they were in there. My hand is better, but I already have some deformity. Thankfully it's stopped since I've started all my rhumy drugs. Good luck, I know trigger finger can be extreemly painful.

I have this too, but I thought it was from osteoarthritis. I wondered if it could be relieved somehow. It is such a sudden pain I often say "ouch"! when it happens and then I feel silly. LOL! It is quite painful. I have it in both pointer fingers. Sigh... didn't think the RA would affect my hands this fast. I will have to learn more about what I can do for it.


My sis in law had it. Right index finger. She had surgery to fix it. She does not have RA and was 36 when it happened. So far (2 years) it has stayed fixed. I've had this as well. But haven't been bothered by it middle finger on my right hand always gets hung up.

While I was pregnant with my 3 yr old I had very painful carpal tunnel in both hands. Wonder if it was due to the RA back then. It was so bad that I had to wear wrist braces on both hands.

It went away after I gave birth. All except my trigger finger...that is.
