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When was the last time you wore high heels?


I have not wore high heels much, because of my ankles would not allow me to wear them.

The one & ONLY time I have wore them was on my wedding day. And even then I almost broke my ankle and fell!

So I guess last time I wore high heels was Dec of '98.

I have never worn high heels. Even before RA I wasn't into self-inflicted foot




My sister's wedding is in October, and I'm the Woman of Honor (I don't want to be a matron, and they can't make me!).  I've got to find some decently comfy, not-too-high shoes for that.  At least I'll have a full length skirt if I need to put on slippers halfway through.

1999 Thursday to daughter's graduation.

Already "predicting" the future Never.  I have worn orthotics since I was 6.   Wow I can't remember the last time I wore heels.  I have never really been one to wear heels. 

Today. Course there laying on the floor in my office and I'm wearing my houseshoes under my desk

I'm finding more and more lately that when I have on heels it's not just my feet they effect. My hips and knees suffer as well. Course I've been going through this for the last couple of months....not really anything to do with my shoes I don't think; but they just make getting around that much more painful!

BUT; I had meetings in the office and no sensable shoes looked right with my outfit.

Flip-Flops tomorrow; promise!

I put dress shoes on Nov 11, 2005 (made by Drew) for my wedding ceremony and 20 minutes of pictures 3 years ago. I had my comfy soft black SAS sandels on right up to the ceremony and got them right back on after pictures. 

I swear my feet hurt me for 3 months non stop. I don't think I will ever do it again. I hung onto my husband because like Joonie I thought I would fall. Man did that ever hurt.

Never...I'm 5'10" so never felt the need! 
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