Is it Rheumatoid Arthritis?? | Arthritis Information


Welcome to the board.I would go and see your DR to get a diagnosis as there could be many reasons for your symptoms.Good luck and take careDear Dwarf, It sure sounds like it, but we are not doctors and can't dx you. My feet hurt, 'burned' when I first had this stuff, then it went into my hands, now I have all the stiffness you talk about in my neck, so it is surely possible. I hope you can get some help as I know that pain! Good luck, LyndaI have all the same things as you except my hands and wrists were the firsts things to start hurting.  I would definitely see you doctor as soon as possible.  If it is ra, early, aggressive treatment is best.  This is not something you can self diagnose and most definitely warrants a visit to your doctor.

Welcome to the board.  I agree with the others here that you should get into your doc as soon as you can and get a definite diagnosis on what is going on.

Depen Penamine may be a med that they use for AP therapy since it is penicillan based but I am not sure.  There are others here on AP therapy that would be able to answer that question much better than I would be able to.

Keep us posted on what the doc says!

I'd make an appt with a rheumatologist to take a good look at you. Your symptoms could be a number of things. Let us know how you are. Love, JI've never heard or Depen Penamine being used in AP or any other treatment. AP uses mostly tetracycline family antibiotics. Some experimentation was done early on with penacillins but they were unsuccessful. (It's kind of weird you came across something so obscure in your intitial look---most sites discuss methotrexate and biologics and etc.)

Dwarf, please see a doctor and be referred to a rheumatologist. If you do have RA the sooner it's diagnosed and you begin treatment the better your long term prognosis will be.
