OT: hot flashes at 40? | Arthritis Information


I recently turned 40 years old. For the past year I've been experiencing hot flashes about 4 - 5 days before my period. I also get the PMS type lower abdominal cramping with them. Once my period arrives, the hot flashes are gone. Does this sound like pre-menopause? I've had some heavy bleeding for a few years, but have been hesitant to do anything about it. Doc called it adenomyosis and said I could get an endometrial ablation (burn lining of uterus), a progesterone IUD, or hysterectomy to treat this. I have put off doing anything so far. Anyone else experienced similar? Thanks, JuliahYep, experienced hot flashes, abd. cramping and alternate heavy bleeding with scant bleeding starting about age 41.  It's called peri-menopausal symptoms. I had endometrial ablation due to intrauterine polyps.  Have you had an US or MRI to diagnose adenomyosis?  If not, you could have endometrial polyps.  I'd only opt for a hysterectomy if all else failed.  I went into full menopause at 42 and have had no problems since.  Call and get an appt. and request a US for a postive diagnosis.  Keep us posted.  LindyI've been going through the same thing in the last few years. (I'm 45)  For the last few years I've also been having the heavy bleeding.  Even having a period last for 3 weeks.  Now though, the last few periods have been very light.  So it seems like for me anyway, it's all over the place.I have been experiencing this as well and its also making my RA worse.I have just had an internal ultrasound done and am waiting for an appointment for a laparoscopy.My hormone level wasnt right on my bloods tests either.I should get my results this week from the scan.

I keep hearing strains of the song "I enjoy being a girl. . ."

I am 48, and have just had a couple of hot flashes.  My period is still as regular as clockwork.  I started when I was 9 and I'll probably keep going well into my 50's unless I do something to stop it.  Haven't made up my mind on that one yet.

I agree that you should get an ultrasound and investigate your heavy bleeding.  I have always had heavy periods - but a few years ago they got to the point where I knew I needed to get it checked out.  My gyno ordered an ultrasound, which showed cysts.  She did a D&C and it took care of it for a couple of years.  This year she felt something in my pelvic exam and ordered another ultrasound, this one showed fibroids, which can cause heavy periods.

 I think the ablation is an excellent option for some people.  I have heard very good things about it.  Unfortunately that wouldn't do it for me with the fibroids - and the fact that  after having 3 big babies my suspension system is shot! 

How would you feel about going to a different doctor?  I must admit that I would disappointed if my doctor made a snap diagnosis without doing any testing first.  Your heavy bleeding could be caused by so many things, peri-menopause, hypothyroidism, endometriosis, etc.  And many can be treated without surgery. 

Good luck and keep us posted about what you learn.  Don't just dismiss this though girl!

Thanks for the replies. I guess wasn't clear.....doc made the diagnosis of adenoymosis after the diagnostic testing. I only think of getting something done during the times when I feel bad (that one week out of the month). The other 3 weeks of the month I talk myself out of it :)

Hi Juliah,

When I was in my early 40's my periods got heavier, lasted longer and the cramping was bad. I would bleed for weeks at a time. One summer 7 years ago, I went through one tampon every 10 minutes. This lasted for several weeks and I became anemic. When the nurse tried to draw blood she couldn't get any! She tried several times and finally gave up. After 2 endometrial biopsies and ultrasounds, the Dr. just said it was peri-menopause. I went through a few years of this and now I haven't had a period in 2 years. Yeah. The hot flashes suck big time.


  Miles2go, You just wrote MY history LOL! Did your gyno suggest a hysterectomy? Mine asked me to wait because meno was right around the corner, and he was right! But Oh My Gosh the hot flashes do suck big time!!!

  Juliah, now aren't you comforted by all this? It seems like any auto immune disease and female problems go hand in hand.  I had a hysterectomy almost 4years after nothing else worked.  I still suggest that as a last resource because you do lose the hormones your body needs.

Now I am having symptoms of being pregnant. Morning sickness...nausea...whacked out tired all the time.  Unbelievable.  I have to call the doc and get my hormones checked. 

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