OT-baby Snowy Plovers! on my beach | Arthritis Information


Hi, I am a docent for the Calif State parks and watch over the Western Snowy Plovers on our beach. We have many nests and babies are hatching!! I'm so excited. These little birds are on the endangered species list and are protected. I go to the beach every day (sometimes twice), drink my coffee, sit on the dunes and watch over them. Sometimes I walk up and down in the wet sand (they are behind protective fencing). How beautiful the ocean is, and how beautiful these little birds are. I feel so lucky, Lynda

(and as you all know I'm so happy to be well enough to drive the car and walk the beach, now!! getting my life back)

It sounds wonderful!  I just got back from Santa Maria from my daughters surgery.  I used to live there.  I grew up in So. Cal and moved to Santa Maria when I was pregnant with my now 15 year old.  I moved to WA state about 11 years ago and I MISS it so much. 

My daughter lives in AG and I get to visit her often (but not as often as I like) Lynda- can you post some photos as i'd love to see them

I love watching nature and am blessed to have lots of birds, ducks and bunnies entertaining me out the windows of my house.  I was thrilled when Mama Cardinal brought her babies down for one of their first flights and I got to see it!


Hi, I'll try to get the pictures on here. Don't really know how. Maybe my husband will be able to figure it out. LyndaI would love to see them! Could someone run me through posting pictures, please. Lynda
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