new here, but what is going on? | Arthritis Information


I would say 98% of u posters, are very nice, and this is a pretty good RA board..I have been lurking on this board, and others, aS i am sure lots of others have...
If someone posts something, and doesn't come back, maybe they are afraid to.
And i have seen many comments about side affects of some drugs, so don't be too fast to judge anyone..
I just wanted to say...i punched in i got the links here, and lost them, and i did a web search.for the link,..and i cannot believe how someone from this board has disrespected that board on the world wide gives me a bad taste, to see how hateful, and i wish that person would get a life...and get some real human friends, not all cyber ones

Are u going to call me a troll?? how can a newbie post, ?,,,,,because this is what they were calling each other in 9/06....trolls....

lets all be nice, i'm sure this is a good board, and was nice 99% of the timesHi, good post and welcome. I just never read any posts that I even remotely suspect might be unpleasant ......Unfortunately, we can't control other people, so we need to ignore them! I'm very selective of what I read and haven't had any problems. LyndaCaroleP, be specific, exactly which posts are you referring to? I'm confused. thanks Hurts and Honey...not trying to start anything..
it's just when i searched for the link,of it was the 2nd item on my search...and when i clicked on that link....i got 9/06 arthitis insight page..I wish it could get wiped out of there...on web search..

lots of people use several arthitis boards, and just read things, don't post...nothing wrong with that..

This seems to be a very active board, and i still say 98% of posters are very nice, as with other boards....glad we can all support each other

thanks carole is referring to this post
soxy39261.3260416667/\ I remember RAfriends fondly.I still miss it.I don't miss it. It  didn't work half the time. I guess I just don't understand. Call me stupid but when I first stumbled upon this site I was blindsided by my diagnosis, scared, hurting etc. The last thing I did was recognize any negativity anywhere or LOOK for it. I just asked tons and tons of questions, I had a sort of tunnel vision. It seems strange to me that people with 1 and 6 total posts respectively would be saying that this is a negative site with infighting etc. So what if it is? Disregard that crap and ask your questions, post your help, etc. Ignore the negative stuff. Just my opinions.

It's just a game those that are really bored get off on. It's easily ignored if you aren't into it. Some are.....some aren't. BUT beware; if you get involved just about anything goes around here and you're likely to get your feelings hurt if you're sensative.

At times I enjoy some of the drama myself; but all this stuff that happened a long time ago is over and done with. It's kind of dumb to beat a dead horse IMO.

AND for the record; I'm an active member at 4ratalk and find it to be a very mature group of very caring adults. There's really no reason to continue bring up things to TRY and make them look bad because anyone here that's involved there doesn't believe any of that stuff and honestly looks down on those trying to make that site look bad. It's uncalled for!

Chat hydras, impossible to kill off.  Cathy, Chat Hydras is the perfect description.  Love it.  Thanks Lovie, I think you hit the nail on the head all the way around.