to coffee or not to coffee | Arthritis Information


Sometimes it's hard to know what to believe.  A few years ago, there were some studies that suggested that coffee increases the new, more extensive, studies seem to conclude just the opposite, that coffee can actually reduce inflammation, if consumed in moderation.  I think I'll stick with my morning cappuccino.

Here's the link to the study:


Hi, I can't over do it but I've been drinking decafe (has some caffeine) and about 1/2 small teaspoon of regular instant in my cup every morning. I gotta have it!! LyndaI do okay with caffeine in moderation (one cup a day) but I do notice my arthritis gets worse when I go overboard on it. miss coffee...I have given up coffee.  I wonder if the arthritis gets worse for some people because of the caffiene in it.  It like speeds everything up and maybe it gives a little jolt to the immune system.  Mmmm, sorry, I have to have at least 4 cups of caffeine laced coffee every morning and if not, I turn homicidal.  I guess because I've been doing it so long, I can't see any affect it has on my RA one way or the other!alan
in restaurants, cafes and eateries all over the place healthy people are eating what they want without being worried about if this or that will nose dive them into the flare from hell.    i know that people with ra do have unbelievable food sensititivies, but this is really not right.   Something in our bodies is creating this havoc and no matter what we cut out, the havoc goes on until it is addressed.
sorry to sound so negative
I tried cutting out coffee ( as a brit I hate a cup of teaI quit coffee when I did a 3 week detox diet, and at a pound (fair trade
organic) I thought "why start again?" so I only have one or two cups a week.
Now most days I feel like I never fully wake up. Since I haven't noticed it
affecting my RA, I should one day ask myself why I continue to deprive
myself of delidious caffeine like this, but today is not that day. tea.

As some of you know....I'm just bad!!  I'm a coffee, coke drinking smoking machine and ummm...I'm not giving it up.  I LOVE coffee especially Starbucks but any coffee with caffeine will do.  I LOVE coke and have tried switching to diet but the after taste is disgusting and I never could get used to it.  I HATE the smell, taste and everything about smoking but have never been able to quit.  Besides, there's a big part of me that is afraid to quit even if I could but that's another story for another time.  Certainly some of the things we put into our bodies for RA are much worse than Coffee, Coke or Cigarettes....just my opinion.

One time during one of my blood draws the nurse said my blood was slow and asked if I was drinking water before I came to my appointments.  I told her...uhhh, well I'm drinking coffee does that count?

Peace & Love...Neasy
