RA Music Video | Arthritis Information


I was just thinking it would be funny as heck if we made a music video kinda like the Pepto Bismol commercial in the following link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyijWbML82s

Except the lyrics be RA related and the characters babying different body parts!

What in my head it was a good music video

In my imagination I can see rhuemies:

- rockin' to get off the couch

- hippin' doors to avoid hurting hands

- rockin' from one hurtin' foot to the other when they gotta stand

- oh yeah, ploppin' on the couch


I am going to go see if I can find the lyrics to that song on the commercial and we can alter it to our needs

I found that you can make your own Pepto Bismol Dance!!

http://www.pepto-bismol.com/  - Fourth Button on the left side of the screen!

Try it out is is SOOO Funny!!! Nice how I am supposed to be packing but instead I am creating dance
numbers. Thanks alot joonie :)

BeckyHeheheeheheheee YOUR WELCOME!!!!
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