ease of use products | Arthritis Information


I am a product design student at the Ohio State University. This Quarter I am trying to learn more about arthritis and what can be done in the way of products to ease pain and allow people with arthritis to live more comfortably. I feel like this sight can help me and in return, I can help you.
For example, the arthritis foundation has "Ease of use" products. These products have been tested by people with arthritis and have had the most ease of use. I am looking to develop products like these or maybe you have insight on how things in your daily life can be changed to make you more comfortable. For example, scissors, door handles, exercising equipment.
There is a real opportunity to help here and I am interested in your input. You are the experts.


Please feel free to reply with any insight. I realize that studies have been done, but every body is different and it reacts differently to pain.

Things that could be addressed are...

What kind of arthritis you have.

How long have you had it?

Any therapy?

What do you do for a living?

When do you feel your best/worst?

What do you do for your hobbies?

Do you exercise?

I have discomfort when I…

I like to use (product name or description) because…

I wish there was something to… (Anything you’ve thought of to make a task easier)

thank you,

I am a student (case western). I wish my lock was easier to use.  I have trouble turning the little knob and then...the locker door doesn't have a handle so when my hands are acting up, i have to pray that i can pinch that little knob and hold it tight enough to pull the locker door open.  most of the time i pull it and dig at the door with my other hand and i can get that hand in there before i lose my grip..but sometimes it slams shut and there i am turning that stupid knob again ....(not even going to mention my eye probs).....occassionally there is someone nearby i can ask to help me.  i feel lame...then there are days when i can't lift a half gallon of milk and those big textbooks take two hands.....i wish i could use that cool university bus....but i can't climb stairs easily and climbing down is excrutiating...besides i can't drag my roll-along up those stairs...i wish my roll-along could negotiate the snow.....i was thinking about strapping one of those saucer-shaped sleds under it..easy on..easy off..

good luck caroline...check with the folks who help students like me at osu get parking and so forth.....also talk to the medical types....doesn't osu have a occupational therapy program?


thanks Cynthia, your reply was very helpful. Please feel free to comment on needs as they occur. I am really interested on how everyday is...
Also, I have talked to occupational therapists and I think they are really helpful, but what I really want to know are those moments of , "I wish something can do this..." You know like how you were telling me about your roll along bag.

thanks again,


I am a nurse - to put it bluntly nursing is not a career that is RA friendly.  There are several areas that are almost impossible for me to carry my weight -

1.  I can't open the saline bag covers - they have a slit in the packaging and are suppose to tear open easily

2.  Plastic syringe packaging - our 3cc syringes come in a plastic container that the top must be snapped off in order to pull the syringe out - I dont have the hand strength to twist off the tops.

3.  The IV poles have to be raised and lowered depending on what you are doing.  These have twist knobs that are loosened and tightened to move the poles up and down but I don't have the hand strenght to tighten or loosen them.

4.  The IV pumps and the blood pressure monitors also have to be loosened and moved if they need to be changed from one pole to another.

Healthcare is an area that isn't user friendly to disabled people.  I realize that sounds like an oxymoron but it is true.  I think two areas to observe would be a chemo center and a dialysis center - I think if you observed the nurses in those areas you would come up with millions of ideas.

Good luck in your class!
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