"Arthritis Today" - Tomatos | Arthritis Information


Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!!!

I just read an artical in "Arthritis Today"  that I'm simply thrilled about. An excerpt from Kenna Simmons artical says, "Not only do tomatos add color and flavor to everything from fresh salads to spicy spaghetti sauce, they're chock-full of nutrients: vitamins C and A, potassium, and lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that may reduce inflammation and risk of heart disease and cancer." 

I am so happy...I love, love, love tomatos and hated the idea of having to give them up. Silly isn't it?

Woohooo!!! I knew them there tomatoes were always good for me

Now if you can just find an article that states an abundance of sugar is good for the ole RA, that would just make me a happy happy joy joy camper!!

Thanks for the information!

hi lisa
everytime anyone mentions tomatoes, i keep thinking of Italy because they must eat more tomatoes than anyone on the planet... and i dont think italians suffer more from RA than anyone else.     take care, anna
I am growing them. I have 5 tomato plants going on now and I can't WAIT for them to be ripe. I have about 20-30 green ones on the plants already! I also grow cherry tomatoes in big planters on my deck - I like to just sit there and munch them. I think I read that raw tomatoes have more health benefits than cooked ones. Eat up!I never even gave it a thought about giving up tomatos.
We eat spagetti sauce at least twice a week. I am half Italian. My mom
was a great cook. Tomatos are just a part of me.

I try to stay thin and eat healthy food.
What does this do to the nightshade theory?Tomatoes are in the Nightshade family and some plants in the Night Shade family may cause more inflammation and swelling.  I have never had that happen because of eating Night Shade plants.  So I am not going to worry about taking them off my list of veggies I like.  I love Spaghetti and I make a mean spaghetti sauce, there is never going to be a day I do not eat any more tomatoes, unless it's my last day on earth and then I still not sure I will.Amen!! I am half Italian and do not know what I would do without tomatoes lol.  I do not think I could give them up.  I probably would not lol.  What I'd do for a big tomato sandwich right now.....too bad I'm stuck at work with no tomatos!!Now I am off to cook some spaghetti

See that's what is confusing.

One day they tell us not to use tomato or other night shade foods cuz they cause inflammation, then they say go ahead.

The medical field is always doing this.

Yippeeeee, there was another thread about nightshade I put my two cents in on. I love tomatoes and have 3 plants loaded and I ck them everyday (sometimes twice a day) for my first ripe one. Love to make homemade tomatoe sauce. I'm not italian but grew up in an italian town  and love the food.


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