OT: Commit me now! | Arthritis Information


Hubby has informed me that he will be home 9 days starting this weekend. He will be off for the WHOLE week for 4th of July.

I know I will have to be committed for going looney after putting up with him, son and daughter! OMG... and I thought Arava made my hair fall out... I will be pulling my hair out and probably getting more grey hairs!!


Joonie and Blessed, you two need to run away and come to NC to see me, I think My Hubby is working

  Yep thats North Carolina, foothills to the mountains,breathtaking.

       COME ON DOWN!!!!!

   WE'll go tour the Biltmore House, hang at the lake, go to Grandfather Mountain and walk across a mile high swinging bridge!!!

       We'll show you some real southern hospitality, yallJoonie, start making a list of things he has to get done around the house/yard while he's off. It always amazes me that when the husband takes time off, he feels he doesn't have eto do anything. When I take a "day off" I still have to deal w/the kids, the house is a mess and I cook dinner.Ok, how about this....My husband is going to retire September 1st from the military. He doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up so for now he's not going to do anything!! I can't work until my hands get better and I think we're going to drive each other NUTS!!! We both need our space so I'm going to do alot of traveling back and forth between Florida and Oregon. I'm really stressed about it. We're not the kind of couple who can spend 24/7 together for longer than 2 weeks. Enjoy the time together as a family.  Life is too short and believe me there's much more to life than work.  We retired two and half years ago and it was the smartest decision we've ever made. Decided to hit the road and travel as long as I could.  We've lived for 2 years in our motorhome.  It's not for everyone but my husband is also my best friend and it's really neat to be able to have both.  Miles2go, my husband was 30 years military and retired.  The day he retired and packed away his uniform was the day he left the military totally behind him.  Not once has he said that he misses it or wished he hadn't retired.  He was so ready for retirement. He did work for 2 years after he retired from the military in preparation for our retirement and travel.  We're both physically and mentally better and happier.  Lindy Oh my, I WISH I could have my partner home for a whole week. Enjoy it and count your blessings.

Ok... Hubby Hideout is now officially at Genesis' house

I will make that list of things for hubby to do, but he will make me help with some of that list so it seems to be a double edge sword there

Yeah, me and hubby are the only friends we have, but bad part is we do not get along after being around each other for more then 4 days. Then we start to nit pick each other or annoy each other. Sometimes on the weekends when he is off we tend to annoy each other. But we would be lost without each other. So it is kinda weird.

I don't need a break from my hubby but can I go to gensis house too???  I could use a break from the teenagers!!!!  Can I bring my doggie with me too?  I'm sure he could use a break from the kids annoying him lol. 

I am more like Lindy and her hubby.  My hubby and I are each others best friend.  I can not wait for retirement and we can travel together etc. Maybe it is because my hubby is pretty low maintenance and he finds things to occupy himself that he really doesn't get on my nerves.  We also share a lot of the same interests like camping, sailing, being outdoors, etc. so that helps a whole bunch.  Ahhhh quiet nights sitting on the porch together...here I come!!!!

Okay, can I come too?  I'm a hubby, I don't eat much, and I'm housebroken. 

  Well Great!! Now I don't want to seem cruel Bingethinker but this is GIRLS ONLY !!! Everyone is welcome and bring your pooches too. The only way you can come Binge is if you promise to babysit the dogs, do the cooking and cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, massage therapy, foot rubs, and no talking, weird bodily sounds, or snoring. You still wanna come?LOL

LMAO!!! At genesis! Poor, Bingethinker!

Sorry ladies, can't make it! 

 Yeah Right Binge, You're just a BIG OLE CHICKEN!!!

  Hey Ladies, I just got a call from Binge's wife: She says she'll pay us REAL good to take him and train him for a week. Whaddya say girls?







  Just Kiddin

Hmmm....I dunno genesis.  It was hard enough to train the one I have lol!!!  19 years and the clothes still end up on the floor and not his special basket for his dirty work uniforms.  Sigh.  I need better incentive than just cash to attempt to train another one lol. 

We loves ya Binge.  You take what we dish out to you so well!!  It is refreshing to see.  Hmm...mebbe his wife doesn't need any training help lol. 


    Yeah I think you're right Gramma, you're a pretty cool dude Binge!

  Your wife has done a good job

I'm packing my bags Genesis..................can you give me directions from Buckingham palace

  Have you got a pool?  We need a pool with a pool boy. 


 Not Anymore, SORRY


I invited George Clooney!!!  I have had much ummm lust for him for many years lol. 

Ok I am inviting Ryan Reynolds. *drools*




I'm inviting Dave Navarro........hahahahahahaahahahah NO LIZZIE. MINE.

Dave Navarro!! EWWWW!!!! Now that is just gross and he looks like he swings both ways

I keep getting the mental picture of Dennis Rodman & Dave Navarro where... Dennis Rodman is in his "Wedding Dress" or should I say Carman's old wedding dress, and Dave in his freaky wedding tux with all that eye liner on. I can go one forever

Ok I am bringing John Corbett...............


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