Just switched to enbrel | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I've had an eventful week! Went ot see the Consultant on Tuesday as the remicade not working for me. My Dr also there and they decided to switch me to enbrel... I went yesterday to see the Nurse and she 'trained' me nad I gave myself my first injection... My partner was with me for moral support. It really wasn't as bad as I though it would be... I'm lucky that my hands aren't too bad so I could put the needle into my tummy which I think is less painful as a bit squishier (if you know what I mean). Then came home and relaxed and nearly died of shock when my partner proposed! SO now I have a new treatment and a wedding to think about. I am in a bit of a daze... Let's hope the enbrel works well enough to allow me to sort the wedding out!


Wow, good news all around, congrats!

Congratulations for a lovely day.Keep us up to date on your wedding preparations


  Whoops, 'fingers crossed' is not the best thing on this forum !!!   kt
many congrats.
i hope enbrel will be good for you
 Congtratulations!!!I hope you get to be an Enbrel poster child. Good Luck on the upcoming nuptials.


How sweet of you to share the wonderful news of your proposal with us.

Here's to hoping the Enbrel works well for you.

Peace & Love...Neasy 

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  That is so wonderful!!!!

I also hope the Enbrel works very well for you and allows you to have a most fantastic wedding!!!

Hi, well isn't this the best news!! We are so happy for you. It is a real challenge for those who love us to 'put up' with all the discomfort of this disease. It is so hard to deal with in ten ways! so isn't it lovely that you have someone who cares and knows what you will both be going through. Thanks for letting us know your good news. Lynda

kt, congrats on the engagement! I also just started enbrel, we will have to check on each other so how each is doing. didnt you say once you had psoriatic arthritis? i do. are you or have you been on mtx?


Great news.  Health and Happiness!


Hi All,

Thankyou for your lovely messages!

Kel - yes, I have PA and taking 10mg MTX weekly. Plus arcoxia 120mg daily (which I'm hoping I'll be able to reduce when the enbrel starts working) and painkillers and more painkillers... Well so far my hands seems to be a little less swollen - I can see knuckles again and the dimple bits on the back of my hands in between bones is a bit more visible. My back has been much much better - I went to a comic mart yesterday as my (now) fiance is a comic book artist and I stood on the stall for 4 hours and didn't cry! I was exhausted by the end but nowhere near as bad as i would have been last weekend so I do feel some hope that the enbrel will work...

I'll keep you all posted on how things are going.


KT...Enbrel made me practically normal again.  I hope it works for you as well as it did for me.  Are you using the sureclick?


Hi Linda,

I hope so too! I'm not sure what sureclick is so I'm guessing I'm not using it... I have little pre-filled syringes that I stab into my tummy and press the plunger in. It's not as difficult as I imagined it would be but there again I did have the Nurse with me for the first go so I'll see how it is after the next go...


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