Bad fish from china | Arthritis Information


I know everyone here is trying to get enough fish in their diet but please be aware in the news yesterday they mentioned that the fish from China
was contaminated.
They mentioned shrimp which I love.
Why do we have to import fish from China anyway. For Gods sake dont we have enough fish here?  Think, It's all about money. I read about this about a year ago, so have been real cautious. Some of our local supermarkets list whether the fish is farm raised or not. We as consumers have to be on the alert at all times.  Pretty disgusting isn't it?  It's like the cat and dog food.  I believe the wheat was from China or somewhere.
Cheap labor is the name of the game.  

Yep, the wheat was from China and one of the places it was imported to for pet food was Kansas!  Kansas just happens to be the largest wheat growing state in the U.S.

We've got to be very vigilant in just about anything we eat or drink anymore.

Thank goodness for an iodine allergy that keeps me from eating seafood.


Its ALWAYS about money. I guess we are lucky because we get our fish right off the boat, but then again the ocean is contaminated too.  Think about it!  All of the cruise ships empty their waste in the ocean and so do the overseas airlines and so do the pleasure boats.  UGH! again!  Somehow I have lost my appetite.  LOL now & then39262.3199189815

Hi, I've heard we import tons and tons of food. Sounds so stupid but there it is!! Read the labels and be careful. My husband eats candy that he buys from walmart that comes from china?!! I don't eat it.


There is also contaminated toothpaste from China. 




         IT'S  TERRIORIST  I TELL YA  !!!!!!



 I personally think it is time for our government to say enough is enough.  We have strict rules that our own manufacturers and farmers have to go by.  Make it so the Chinese do too and if they will not agree to our rules, Then stop them from importing their tainted trash to our country.  I know a few Chinese people who are feeling the same way we are.  It's the Chineese government that doesn't care about our rules of exportation when it comes to food products.  It's their way or the highway.  So give them a map to their country and they can push their tainted garbage off on their country men, as if they already aren't doing it. from china for one month and I will see if it is possible. Are you guys with me???? ThinkThinn I believe you will be doing without a great deal of stuff. I worry if we get pharmacuetical prices under some control if they will shift the manufacture of drugs to China. Very Scarey Indeed.


Count me in...Does that mean no more Walmart or is that Kmart? This all falls under the Free Trade agreement.  It isn't just consummables that we have to watch out for.  We also import sub standard steel that is used in construction.  I couldn't imagine using sub standard steel being used in what my husbands company makes.  It would cause catastrophic tragedies. 

My husbands union is very active in getting something done about the imports we accept into this country.  And it really is all about money unfortunately.

As far as buying anything not made in China, good luck.  It seems as if we import so much from there we can't get an American made good anywhere anymore.  We try to buy American products as much as we can.  They even label things now to make it appear it was made here so check labels carefully. 

Yesterday I went to a little quaint shopping town near by and I bought a hat . It was made in Banglidesh. Maybe at christmas this might be tough but I am thinking next week I am going to the fabric shop and I will report how I do there.
Monday I shop for food and be looking at the labels. I wont have a big problem there because qe eat fresh food.

Waddles, They must have something not made in china at Walmart???
I am proud of myself because I havent bought anything from china still since june 30th.
So, it's certainly not too hard to deal with it at least for a month.

I have been looking at some of the things I have bought in the past and I am finding a great deal from china. But mostly big ticket items such as my MP3 player.

I am going to hold out as long as I can. I would love to see people in this country working and making American products.
