Panic Attacks from RA? | Arthritis Information



 MY sister is having terrible panic attacks , to the point she went to her PCP yesterday. This is new to her and the Dr. ran tests on her thyroid (she's on synthroid) and is sending her to an Endocrinologist because of her sugar flucuations (4 shots daily now). She also had an MRI on her pelvis area , the RD thought she had a fracture but thankfully it wasn't. It is an RA flare in the pelvis, and  extremely painful. Her pain meds are 75mg duragesic pain patch and 2 vicodin every 6 hrs. She has had 4 remicade transfusions and is a lot better in her feet but her fingers, back and pelvis are still in bad shape.

   She is very confined to her recliner and can't get in or out of it without help. I think she is kinda afraid of that. Just general helplessness. The Dr. wont offer any anti-anxiety meds till test results come back so Barb isn't sleeping and is exhausted. Her hubby sleeps on the sofa beside her and she panics if he gets out of her  sight. She's never been this co-dependent until now. Has anyone with RA ever had similar experiences or is this maybe from something other than RA? It all seems to be connected....thanks


After 4 months of trying to determine an extremely high heart rate and having "attacks" which my GP was calling panic attacks (which I said no way to because I am not at all a panic type of person) I have been told I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Was diagnosed yesterday and put on a very mild beta blocker to control the heart and attacks that are caused just by my heart racing way to fast which causes anxiety attack like symptoms. Maybe this is the cause for your sister as well? It took 5 months of testing and ruling out everything else for my cardiologist to come to this conclusion. Apparently chronic pain can cause this...although the reason for IST is mostly unknown...

I hope she finds some peace, it can be scary

SarahP39262.6339467593How frightening for her.  I have had panic attacks with depression and it was overwhelming.  It got to the point that I didn't want to leave the house.  I went to work and that was it.  It took medication (I don't need it anymore) and therapy for me.

I actually designed a bracelet that had a crystal for each part of the 23rd psalm.  I would use it to help remind me of the verses and that calmed me down. 

Hope all goes well.

Mary B

I have never suffered panic attacks since RA but i used to get them really bad. My family and I were mugged out in South Africa and it was really frightning. After that i had terrible panic attacks.She needs a lot of patience and paper bag.This is good if she starts to hyperventilate.Just get her to put it over her mouth and nose and breathe slowly.It sounds strange but it does work. I had counselling for mine and i havent had one since.

She may be feeling very helpless at the moment and thats a trigger point for panic.

I really hope she gets better soon


 Thanks for all the advice everyone. It sounds like the panics could be low blood sugar related too, she will go from 80's one check and then 150 the next and even 60's  then up to 200, the unevenness of it all has the Dr. concerned.

 Sarah, Barb has corony artery disease so her cardiologist keeps a very close eye , I sure hope it isn't her heart.

 Pin, I've heard the paper bag really works, I'll tell her to keep one handy and I think the helplessness and extreme pain is a major contribution too.

  Mary, the 23rd Psalm bracelet sounds very comforting and soothing especially to a Christian

  This disease is almost a palatable, evil entity that seems to have a mind set of it's own, to destroy one way or another. Now I sound like I'm in THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!! Sorry....

Oh G~ My heart just breaks for her! JUst what she needs, huh? Another problem to have to deal with. Bless her husbands precious heart. That is about the sweetest thing I've heard of lately (Him sleeping on the couch beside her). She is so luck to have the both of you.

Wish I could offer more information; but I can't. I just wanted to offer YOU my friendship and support. I know that as a caregiver things have been horrible for you as well as her lately. Hang in there.

The paper bag thing works because you are (re) breathing carbon dioxide that you expell... a bit of mindless knowledge that has lingered, lol. Now ask me what I did yesterday and I have to think about it a while.

I have had anxiety attacks. A racing heart is scary, fortunately for me it doesn't happen very often. It sounds like your sister's attacks are pretty severe. It is good her Dr. is doing so many tests. Hopefully when the results come in, he will be able to prescribe meds to help her. It warmed my heart to read that her hubby is sleeping on the couch next to her. I hope she finds some comfort in that. They will be in my prayers. Keep us updated please.

I'm sorry to hear that your sister is having such a hard time now. I hope she is feeling better soon. Love and hugs, J


  Hugs and thanks to all you guys, you all are so sweet and your friendship means so much to me. I don't know what I would do if you all didn't help me. And yes my brother-in-law is that good and sweet, to all his family. We LOVE him like we do Barbara. They've been married 46yrs. Ain't that great! ((((hugs)))) to you and your family Genesis.  This is just so heartbreaking. 

After all that your sister has been thru and was finally seeming to get on the road to recovery, this setback with a flare in her pelvis has got to be devastating for her.  I can understand why she does not want her husband out of her sight.  I wouldn't want mine out of my sight either. 

I can really see how RA and panic attacks could go hand in hand.  All of us go thru so much with this disease.  The thought of just one more thing going on can throw just about anyone into depression and a panic.  I am normally a pretty laid back person, but there are times I am thrown into a depression and crying fits over this. 

I hope the docs find the cause of her rapid heart beat quickly and she (and everyone) gets peace with the diagnosis. 


I have panic attacks when my blood sugar drops, and as part of PMS. Coffee can also make them worse as well as being over-tired. Like everyone has said, a paper bag is a great way to start calming down. Like Maryblooms, I also took to carrying crystals with me everywhere as when I panic I can hold on to one and focus on how it feels etc to break the panic cycle. I wear one on a necklace constantly.

It could be RA related, due to the links between feeling helpless and that one is not in control of what is happening. Therapy would probably be very useful (CBT was fantastic for me) even if the panic attacks are not RA related.

i have a long history of panic attacks, although for years i have not had any, it seems as though now i suffer more depression symptoms. i know anxiety and depression go hand in hand.  recently i went to the doctor because i was having a hard time breathing, like i couldnt get enough oxygen in my lungs. he did ever test and diagnosed it as stress related. I have been extremely stressed out, with this disease,the meds, daughters graduation,etc. I sure hope i am not going to go backwards and start having them again. they were horrifying,debilitating! i would rather have arthritis than anxiety disorder thats for sure! but having both would do me in! antidepressants work great for anxiety. anxiety meds generally are habit forming (benzodiazapine) so they dont like to give them, but they work wonders as well. I have heard many people get written off by there mds as having anxiety come to find out its cardiac,thyriod or diabetes. he sounds like he is checking all the right stuff. And she has wonderful support system too!



I'm sorry your sister is dealing with this too!  It sounds like her PCP is doing the appropriate testing.  I hope they find a cause and are able to treat it accordingly. 

This disease is terrible on so many levels.  I'm glad she has a great support system in you and her husband!

Keep us posted.



  Thanks a million Phats, it is pretty rough for her right now but the Dr. I don't think will let it go to far. He's been pretty much on top of things. I will post when I hear anything new. My other sisters and I are going to go and spend some time with her Monday and give her hubby and kids a break. I can't wait! She lives an hour and a half from us so it's frustrating not to get to see her as much as we want to.  You seem to be feeling pretty good these days, Im so glad for ya and hope it stays that way as I'm sure you do too. I pray Barbara will go into a remission soon so hearing that somebody is doing well gives us hope. Take and hugs...
