flee down steps | Arthritis Information


Good morning everyone....Just a quick little story...
    Friday morning, I was walking down my steps and my left hip completely gave out. That happens to me quite often.   Anyway, I went sailing down the steps with my left leg and foot behind me. Needless to say, it hurt like hell.


I'm sorry to hear about your fall.  With the leg giving out like that do you use a cane or some other assitive walking device


   Yes...I use a cane....I hate the damn thing.. but my son who is three gave me the idea to put silly stickers on it.    If I have to use the cursed thing, it may as well make me smile....
take care.
ugh I can totally relate as I fell the other day on my deck. I have two bruised knees. By Thursday they had the most lovely color of violet surrounded by lavendar blue.   

I fall so much, not sure if it's RA related or just plain clumsiness but I totally sympathize with you - it's no fun! Feel better.

Hi, I haven't fallen since I failed to put the brake on on a hill and fell out of a golf cart (what was that in March), had a brused butt and worried that it would be a major problem, but it went away (I meant the bruse, the cart also went AWAY, down the hill past my husband who was putting on the green!) It was funny AFTER, but scared the damn thing was going to run over me!!, in a few weeks!

We are so accident prone, and so tippy, it is no wonder we trip and fall. Honestly, what next??? Take care, and hope your foot is better soon....what a bother, Lynda

I'm real sorry to hear about your fall. I hope it turns out not to be too serious. Keep us updated. Take care of yourself.

I am sorry you fell, Kate. I hope you heal quickly.


Thank you everyone for your replies....it's nice to know I am not the only klutz around here....lolkateri/elaine. OUch!  Hope you heal up quickly!  Oh man, just what you need!  Hope it heals up quickly!

Oh Kateri, it sounds like a terrible tumble you took! I hope you are ok and nothing is broken. When do you go back to have it checked?

I live in a two story house and we had to be creative in order to limit my stair use. I do not use them for the first 4 hours I am awake. I also do not carry anything up or down. My children are older so they are able to carry groceries up or laundry baskets up or down. I have fallen too many times to count, so now I use them holding on with both hands. We would love to sell this place and buy a ranch style house, but it's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Please be careful!

I crash land a least once a year. I have already crashed this year and nothing broke. Yeah!

Wasn't so lucky last year...

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