smoking parents? | Arthritis Information


my mom blames her smoking while pregnant with me in the early 70s.  Anyone else?nope, not mine. My mom use to blame herself for having me when she was 45. But since then my half sister told me that I have JRA because my daddy had history of arthritis on his side of the family. SO now... we just blame my dad


Take care, Karin

Smoking with kids is never a good idea, but never heard it caused RA.

[QUOTE=JuliahRA]Smoking with kids is never a good idea, but never heard it caused RA.[/QUOTE]

Well, maybe not cause RA. But smoking is said to incease the odds. So, I guess second-hand smoke woud apply, too.

Take care, Karin

My Mother didn't smoke.....but my dad sure did. So did his Dad....his two brothers and his sister. I've been a smoker myself for the past 20 years.

I'm giving quiting another try starting tomorrow. In fact just came downstairs to HOPEFULLY smoke my last one! Wish me luck.

Good luck Lovie!!!  I will be rooting for you!!!!!Good luck Lovie.Yesterday smoking was banned in the UK in all public places ( nightclubs, pubs, restuarants , bingo halls, shopping centres etc) So i have no worries there, I am down to one a day after my dinner each evening and have been like this for 3 weeks now. I dont even feel like one the rest of the day. I am hoping to cut the after dinner one out this week and be ZERO

As for my parents, they didn't smoke.  My mother does blame herself though, because when she was pregnant with me she worked in a hospital and one day she was on the elevator with a patient receiving some sort of radiation type treatment.  She got on the elevator and looked at the doctors and asked if she should get off the elevator and they said yes, so she did, but she was exposed to (whatever-it-was) for about 30 seconds.  Somehow I don't think that's the cause...

My mom smoked like a chimney while pregnant with me and still does!  She never comes to visit because I won't let her smoke in my house! No smokers in our family, extended family, or even publicly in our neighborhood.

The most smoke my daughter is even exposed to, ironically, is on the way in and out of the various hospitals we must frequent. Even after ban went into effect at our local hospital, people still gather around the parking deck, etc. to sneak one. Patient in a wheelchair, hooked up to an IV, puffing away along with the rest of their visitors.

I smoked once upon a time, like four score and seven years ago, and I'm sure the stress of hospitalization only makes you crave one more. But it seems like the patient could get a patch to get through it, and the family members could wait until they are back in their cars.   

micheleb, both my parents chain-smoked the entire time growing up (and I am sure through her pregnancies too). They NEVER opened any windows in our house or cars, so we kids grew up in a cloud of smoke.

When I had my first child and would go over to visit, my baby would get sooo sick, he'd throw up mucus and have a asthma sounding cough for a couple of weeks - he was hospitalized a couple of times for it. My parents still wouldn't go out side to smoke saying we grew up around it and turned out fine. I told them we could not visit anymore and it was a couple of months before they finally gave in and went outside to smoke.

It makes me sad when I see someone smoking in their car with children/babies and all the windows rolled up.

My mom smoked while pregnant with me.  My mom and dad were both smokers as well as the majority of my family members on both sides.  I myself have smoked since age 10 or 11 (now 38).  Disgusting habit and I hate the taste and smell.  I've tried quitting several times with no luck....I'm definately addicted.

Peace & Love...Neasy

My parents did not smoke and I wasn't raised around any smokers.  I did not start smoking until I was married, my ex-husband smoked.

Good luck Lovie.  I hope it takes for you, but if it doesn't, it just means its not the right time for you.  It took me many attempts to finally quit. Don't feel guilty if you don't make it, the guilt only makes it harder, just try again when you feel like you can handle it.  The nicotine patches really helped me.

I quit in Jan of 01 and I was diagnosed w/RA in Feb. 01,



crispy39265.6508796296my ex step father had half of one of his lungs removed back 11 years or so ago and he was smoking in the bathroom of his hospital room after he was in a regular room after ICU...Its was CRAZY...he was kinda off to begin w/ thoughSmoking was just banned in the hospital I work at, imagine that, lol. This
means, not in the building, parking lot or the entire campus.   Some of the
nurses are absolutely pissed as they have been told they are not allowed to
leave the building during their breaks. The hospital is offering all employees
one month of nicoderm or nicorettes for free, a free cessation course and
free counceling. Hopefully people will take advantage of that.I quit smoking in feb. 06 got RA in april 06  I thought we were supposed to feel better when we quit, not get RA

My dad was a heavy smoker but my mom never smoked.

Lovie good luck!!!!  I started the Chantix last Thursday and I stop 7 days later on the 4th of July.  Independence Day for me.

Good luck Lovie & Bonnie!!!Neither one of my parents smoked.  I did for about 20 years before I quit in 2005.  I had a hysterectomy Nov 2000 for fibroids and the first symptoms and diagnosis of RA came three months later.This will sound crazy but I smoke-- not in my house and not during the day at work-- only at home outside. I hate the smell in my house. I used to smoke in my house about 10 years ago  but got tired of smelling it in the morning and all day. I lost alot of family members coming to my house since I dont smoke inside anymore. Pretty childish huh?? Same here.  No one including me can smoke in my home so I only go outside.  I am hoping that I can quit since I don't smoke while drinking coffee etc.Good luck to all those quitting!!!    