glad your back Lovie!! | Arthritis Information


Hi Lovie,

Glad your back safe and sound

So tell us all how was your trip and how are you


We sure missed you!!

Hope you had a great vacation! I will be watching for your posts.


Can't wait to hear all of the details from your vacation.  



Thanks so much guys.

We had a nice trip. It's difficult to travel out of the country with 4 children...but we're happy we did it. The beach at the resort we stayed at was damaged pretty badly by Hurricane Emily; but we did visit another beach in Cancun that was absolutly beautiful, but the surf was so rough the kids really couldn't play much. That was disapointing to all of us. We're happy to be home. I get a little home sick no matter how much fun I'm having after a few days.

I'm feeling pretty good. I was able to take all of my medication on Tuesday before we left on Thursday. Thank goodness!! I haven't walked so much in a very long time. I'm pretty exhasted, but I have one more day to rest before returning to work...and then only a two day work week before another weekend, that's a good thing.

I went to the RD today and he's referring me to a nurologist (Sorry about the spelling). I've had some problems in my legs lately. At times (not constant) they feel as if they are falling asleep, or going numb. My hands do it too at times. I've had what we thought was some nerve damage in one leg between my knee and ankle from since a surgery years and years ago. We've just been treating that with a pain patch for about a year now. It seems to be getting worse and my RD suspects neropathy? Anyone have a clue what that's about? I've looked it up breifly on webMD but have just started investigating.

I asked him about the folic acid, and he said yes, theres a chance my body is lacking it from the MTX so we started it today. He was going to check my levels and let me know the results. He said there's an outside chance this is causing the problem in my legs and we could hope that's the problem. I didn't really like the way he said it...but I'll be taking the folic acid just as most of you here suggested I need to be doing.

I'll be around some tomorrow. Thanks for the welcome back guys. I missed you all and thought of you often. It's good to be home!!

