Eye problem | Arthritis Information


I have had a problem with my right eye not wanting to open in the mornings. Is your eye dry or is it full of gunky stuff in the morning?  Gunky stuff could indicate an eye infection.  That happened to me about a year ago. My eyes were so dry that my
corneas were getting bruised. Couldn't see this since it was in the lower
part of the eye which was covered by the eyelid. Please see an eye dr. to
check it out. I have a ton of eye issues which are related to the RA. It has
gotten to the point that I have my eye dr.'s cell phone number just in case
I have an issue on the weekends.

Sad really...

BeckyI too have RA related eye problems.  They are EXTREMELY dry.  Came on very quickly.  By the time I went to the eye doctor I had already scratched my corneas.  I am on restasis drops and had plastic plugs put in my duct in my bottom lids.  That has helped, but I carry liquid tears all the time.   Hi, several years ago I had that problem. I had plugs put in my ducts also (00), I couldn't believe it! I went in and told the doctor and he fixed it! Now I have alot of tears but it is better than dry eyes. Your RA can suggest a doctor to do this or you can use artificial tears..... Lynda

I think I'd make an appointment with the eye doctor.  One thing I don't mess around with is my eyes.  You could have an eye infection or just need something as simple as eye drops but I'd make an appoointment asap.  Take care of yourself and let us know how you are.

That's scary Becky...I'm glad you're alright.

Peace & Love...Neasy

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