I can’t stand the fatigue | Arthritis Information


Sorry, this may be a bit whiny but my goodness, I have been so exhausted for so long now.  I know fatigue and ra go together and I have had bouts of extreme fatigue but this is just crazy.  Its probably been over a month now and I just can not stay awake.  I have brought a yoga mat and pillow to nap on in the back room at the office.  I just sleep all day on the weekends.  I am so tired, I can't even see straight.  My arms and legs are like lead, the smallest thing is so overwhelming.  I tried to put the dishes away out of the dishwasher and was crying because my dishes are just too heavy.

I know I am still in a flare, its been over 6 weeks now, can't get rid of the uvieitis and the swelling is worse than usual.  My office looks awful but I just can't keep up.  I really need to take some time off but there is literally no one else to work for me.  I work for an optometrist and its just me and him.  I hate to say this but I am almost hoping he fires me so I can collect unemployment while I try for disability but I know he is too cheap to fire me!

H i Michele. So sorry you arent feeling good but i understand as I was feeling like it a few weeks ago.The fatigue is so debilitating. Have you had your iron levels checked. I always put my fatigue down to my RA but it came as a shock to find iron levels had dropped  worse than ususal and anemia had developed.

I really hope you feel better soonIts been a while since I had my iron, or any blood work done.  Probably since March, it runs a wee low, usually around 10 or so.  How do they treat your anemia? They started me on iron tablets but i kept forgetting to take them ( i hate swallowing pills) and my levels dropped so low that i had to have infusions. My levels are borderline again . I was tired , dizzy, sick and couldnt care about anything.I just thought it was a long flare and didnt realise anemia was so bad. I didnt have to have any transfusions though. The iron infusions did make me a little nauseated but I feel a whole lot better in myself and the fatigue isnt as bad as it was.

Oh, Michele, Sweetie, I am so sorry you are feeling so miserable! The fatigue really can be overwhelming, at times. I, also, seem to be at about that point with fatigue right now. Seems like if you sit down for a few minutes, you just fall asleep.

I agree with Pincushion about the anemia. I was on 3 iron tabs per day for about 9 months because of iron-deficiency anemia. Just stopped about 3 weeks ago and it seems like the fatigue has become worse again already.

Have you thought about Soc. Sec. Disability? I'm sure you've mentioned it before but I just can't remember.

Hang in there, Honey. My thoughts and prayers are with you,

Hugs and Blessings,



I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time.  I, too, fight with fatigue, but not as bad as you.  I agree that a complete blood panel would be in order for you. 

Please, let us know if we can do anything.  Keep your chin up.  Remember, we don't get any more than we can handle.  I know that stinks right now, but I have found it to be true. 

Also, are you eating healthy?  I don't want to start a rant, but I know for me, I feel so much better when my diet is good. 

Hang in there, we care about you.


Hmm, maybe I should ask the dr to run an iron test.

I am considering disability.  Right now, we need my income or we will lose the house so I have been trying to tough it out but not sure I can last much longer.  At 36, I know it will be a difficult battle to get approved, especially since I am sero negative.

Hi Michele, you poor soldier. I'm all a bit new to this but the grinding fatigue you describe and crying when something so easy becomes too hard sounds so familiar. I have no good advice for you as I'm at the start of the road but I noticed you also have tmj & it may help to know that I had this for over two years (my dentist said I must be grinding my teeth at night...I wasn't...only ever ground my teeth when I went to see him an he said that) I couldn't yawn or open my mouth properly and then suddenly it went away almost overnight- apparently a buried wisdom tooth shifted and it realigned my jaw.

thinking of you



Oh Michele honey...you're not whining and I so get where you're coming from and how you're feeling.  Not only are we close in age...we seem be dealing with a lot of the same issues right now.  

There is a part of me too that wishes my job would fire me so that I could collect unemployment and file for ssdi.  At least I'd have some sort of temporary income and it would take the burden of making the decision off of me.  Personally, I am scared to death of the whole ssdi/ssi road especially knowing that my age is going to count against me.

The fatigue really is debilitating physically and mentally.  I've noticed over the last few weeks or so that I cry about everything, my concentration is next to nil, I trail off during conversations and I lose my balance out of nowhere.  I don't want to leave the house much less go to work or any type of social activies.  It makes me feel like a failure and like the laziest person on the face of the earth.  Sometimes I really do think I'm going to snap and they are going to have to lock me up in a padded room.

My relationship with my partner definately suffers as well.  Although he tries to understand, it is very hard for him sometimes and he gets angry because he feels so helpless.  His family has even asked him if he thinks he'll be able to stay with me with all of my health problems.  That really hurts me but I do understand why they would ask.  Sometimes I think that in all fairness I should walk away so that he can find someone that doesn't hold him back from enjoying life.  I know what a drag it must be to be with someone that never feels good when you are healthy, full of energy and ready to go. Then there's the sex part of the relationship that is almost non-existant.  How do you even go there when even brushing your teeth makes you feel like you just ran a 20 mile marathon?  So, as for your hubby....Does he understand the illnesses you're dealing with?  Do you have good communication about what's going on?  What about the "Spoons Story", have you shared that with him?  I think the "Spoons Story" helped my partner more than anything we've ever actually discussed.  My partner doesn't get tired very often but when he does....that's it, he needs a nap.  I used that one time in one of our conversations.  I was like "honey, you know how like 2 or 3 times a year when you get really tired and you have to take a nap?"  That broke the ice because I made him laugh.  Then I told him "Imagine feeling like that every single day.  Can you even imagine feeling like that every day and how crazy it would make you feel day after day?"  Once he had something he could actually relate to, it helped him undertand a bit more.  He doesn't get so bent out of shape now when I tell him I need to rest or that I'm tired.

I seriously feel like this disease is ruining my life right now....I know you understand that.  Somehow we have to find a way to feel better....there has to be something.  I'm at the point that I am going to INSIST that my RD prescribe something for the fatigue as there is no doubt in my mind that I cannot possibly continue in this current state.  Maybe it will help....if not, it certainly didn't hurt to try.

If there is any way I can help you...anyway at all.  We can brainstorm, I can listen, we can share experiences....whatever it takes.  I'm sorry I don't have any words of wisdom to make you feel better and make it all go away but I do want you to know that you are not alone.  I do understand and I am here for you.  Take care of yourself sweetie...we will get through this.

Peace & Love...Neasy


Phats, actually, my diet could be better, its not horrible, no fast food or anything but not much fresh stuff and I am sure too much chocolate!

Posted by Michele....He TRIES to get it but keeps thinking its going to go away and I will be back to normal.

He's hoping honey, just like everyone elses significant other....they want us to feel good again.  Bless their hearts for that.  If their love could cure us....we'd all be 100%.

It is really difficult for our partners to deal with these illnesses and sometimes I think we lose sight of that because we are experiencing the illnesses and dealing with so much ourselves.  I'd love to hear different ways people have found to help their partners understand and cope.

Michele...have you tried Provigil or anything for the fatigue?  I'm going to post and ask what else is available so it gives us an idea of what the options are. 

Peace & Love...Neasy


I agree with checking on the blood count, I have had anemia for the last couple of months, so my doc lowered my MTX until it is under control. Michele - I have been delving deeply into the research of fatigue and have discovered that our disease "jerks" us out of deep REM and so ruins what possibly is what you might have thought was a good night's sleep.  And I am not talking about pain that wakes you up totally or pain that won't let you go to sleep.  I am referring to having a sleep-filled night, but in reality our disease keeps us from staying in the "healing" sleep.  I finally asked for pain and muscle relaxers which I only take at night (and am prescribed 6x this amount to take per day, which I don't), and my fatigue has lifted after many many years.  Just an idea.  Cathy


I am so sorry. Last summer I felt like that. The fatigue was so overwhelming I just wanted to stay in bed and cry. I napped every noon and slept all weekend. It seemed there no hope, but thing slowly improved as medications kicked in and I'm sure there is something that will work if you can hang in there until your appt. Make sure you describe in detail your limitations and specifically how much you need to sleep. Don't use general terms. They need to get going and get this under control for you. I take pamelor before bed which has made a huge difference as it helps with nerve pain and increases REM sleep. Hang in there, I am sending you lots of hugs.



One other thing that SERIOUSLY affects my fatigue level is my monthly cycle.  When I'm PMS'ing...I could sleep the entire week away and not blink an eye.  I always feel like I've been run over by a MACK truck during that week.  Food for thought...


Michele - so sorry you are going through this.   Are you able to pay for help for food prep. or does the govt provide any help - it has helped me. Our national arthritis society is promoting someone who is going to run the length of the country to promote arthritis - I do wish they would get a realism check - think the cheque is what they focus on. I couldnt run to the end of the street.
I know for me I have become more discerning re friends
and realise what a useless individual my husband was, not that your husband is the same but you need to impress upon him the seriousness of this disease and hope that it makes an impression upon him. Your photos show what a vibrant personality you have, dont let anyone or this horrible disease drag you down.
Best wishes,PS - my memory is shocking - my iron level even though I have been vegetarian for 25 years is high so is not always the cause but it needs to be check out nevertheless.Thank you ladies.  I do take zanaflex, a muscle relaxer and ambien and xanax at nighttime. I know I still don't sleep real soundly.  I just hate the thought of adding another pill but if it will help this exhaustion, than I will.

I see a rheumy at the University of Michigan July 25.  I was really excited at first because I was under the impression that you see a team of doctors, sort of like the Mayo clinic but I am finding out that I was mistaken.  Apparently, you may see a different doctor at each visit but I am finding out its not much different than going to your local rheumy.  Ugh.  Well, at least its only about an hour away.  Its been three years though since I have been sick, they have got to do something!!!
Michele ,
   Hi...although I don't know you well, I had to respond to your posts....my heart breaks for you.  I know the feeling of wanting to cry at the most simple tasks...and the feeling lazy and fat.     I just hope you know that there is no way you are the only one that feels this.   I think all of us do to some extent.
   Sex?  Oh, good lord....I used to love it and now, it doesn't even seem worth it.   I know it seems like a rotten thing to say, but it's my truth....
   Isn't it amazing how healthy people take the most simple and mundane tasks for granted?   I mean dressing yourself shouldn't pose a challenge, but for us with RA most of the time it is.  Oh, what I would give for just an hour with no pain....
    My prayers will be with you, michele....I hope your body eases and gives you a break....
take care.
Thank you for your kinds words.  I so LONG for an hour without pain, an honest good day, to go five minutes without thinking about this disease and everything that goes along with it.  I try to stay positive but man, it just wears you down.

I see you have crohns, I was tested for that but it turned out to be just good ole ibs!  What meds are you on and are they helping?



One other thing that SERIOUSLY affects my fatigue level is my monthly cycle.  When I'm PMS'ing...I could sleep the entire week away and not blink an eye.  I always feel like I've been run over by a MACK truck during that week.  Food for thought...


[/QUOTE] I am with you on the fatigue issue. That has been the hardest part for me lately. I hope you are feeling better soon. Love and hugs, J

I keep saying I'm new to this (which is why I messed up with the quote thing- sorry) but when I read Phat's post a lightbulb went off in my head and I've just realised the same thing happens to me- I hadn't connected the two at all- too busy feeling hideous to consider it I suppose so you've helped me understand something, thank you.

Michele, I sincerely hope you turn a corner soon.


Thanks, I take bc pills continuously to avoid hormonal migraines and well as all the other happiness that goes along with that time of the month!  Oh, the joys of womanhood!

Hello again Michele,

Further to the 'joys of womanhood'...though I guess this must also applie to the boys. I have read so many posts where people are struggling to explain their symptoms to partners and even worrying that their marriages won't survive and it has really brought me up short. I have no partner (don't think I can count my three year old daughter!) and sometimes I have felt so angry that there's nobody to make me a cup of tea or get the bloody lid off the peanut butter in the morning or take my daughter for a big run in the park.. and I can't ever, ever have a lie in or a nap at the weekend (unless I wanted to wake up and find the house redecorated with Crayola) BUT saying all that I cannot imagine how much harder it would be if I also had to worry about my relationship. You are so very, very far from from being a failure. i just want to thank you guys for talking about this stuff with cycles and PMS.  While I do not do that stuff anymore (hysterectomy), I need to watch Danielle for all of this.  The only thing we have seen so far is that her period would not go away and we had to put her on birth control to make it stop.  We are hoping that it is just that she is so young and it is her body trying to regulate itself, but the more I read from you guys, I am not wondering if it is her JRA causing the prolonged period.  Thanks for the heads up on this stuff.

I am so glad she does not read this board.  She would kil me if she knew I was talking about her and her cycles lol. 

I didnt realize there was anything you could take for fatigue. I was told that you just have to ride it out. Im going to ask my dr. about this medicine because my fatigue is horrible. I have a hard time driving home from work everyday  I was just dx'd with the dreaded crohn's about 2 months ago....My RD has set me up an appt with a gastro guy....so far no meds for the tummy troubles...but, I've got meds for everything else!!!


  Michele and all you guys (or dolls) with this terrible fatigue; hope you all find relief whatever you choose when you see your Drs. Seems like you could all cope better with the RA if this weren't such an issue. Such a dreadful side effect to have ... God Bless and Good Luck....

I'm amazed tht people can even work w/ this. No way!!

i'm soooo ExHAUSTED!!... I've lost my creativity, i'm dead, i sleep for hrs and hrs, and then i have the wonderful mix of bipolar.. so i've been crashing big time.

I can't find sleep meds anymore that work, i take 75 mg of atarax!!

plus valium , plus vicodin and here it its almost 6 am and im awake, ugh.. i think the valium is kicking in. its just soo exhausting, iwas out for 4 hrs, shopping, w/ my providers, they did almost all the work, but its left me for 4 days, w/ total exhaustion.. and some pain. not to mention the weight gain plus Enormous cravings... is that the pred>

or humira... its just frustrating...never seems to end...





Yes it is very hard to keep working dealing with fatigue but what can you do?  The bills have to be paid and we need our health insurance.  Soooo....you force yourself to go work and drag yourself around doing only what you have to do because your so afraid that if you stop and apply for ssdi they will deny you because the system makes ohhh so much sense and then where will that leave you?!  I know that I look like a walking zombie at work and that my co-workers really wish that I would quit or get fired because I truly am NOT the employee that I once was.  Sometimes I sleep in my car during my lunch and lately I've had horrible crying episodes out of nowhere.  I was the type of person that would work two jobs, help where ever help was needed, stay late, volunteer at the animal shelter, help out the homeless and go go go.  I'm not that person anymore.  I'm slow, tired, can't concentrate, feel like poop every single day and unreliable.  I wouldn't want me as an employee or coworker.  RA has definately changed my life as I knew it and years later...I still have a hard time adapting and accepting it.  Okay sorry...I'm done babbling.

As for prednisone, it's a miracle monster!!  It helps us in so many ways but the cons of it just stink for lack of a better word.  Plus it makes you blow up like a balloon and you DO have to be careful what you eat because I find that I'm constantly wanting to cram food in my mouth.  I can't say I feel REALLY hungry...it's more like having the munchies.  The other day, my partner said my face and the back of my calves looked huge.  Ummm, I don't know that saying that to me was the brightest move because I'm already self conscious but then again...if he's noticing, everyone else is too.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Aw yes, the walking zombie look, isn't it in this season???  My eyes are BRIGHT red still from this nasty uvietis that I just can't seem to whip into submission.  My eyes are sunken in and black, can't do make-up because they just hurt and it irritates them more.

Concentrate, whats that?  I put shaving cream on my toothbrush this morning! Im not sure whats worse, the pain or the fatigue. For a while my fatigue eased off,  i wouldn't say went away,  when i first started taking anti-depressants (25mg Endep) i slept better than i had in months. It was a miracle. But now, not so good. Doctor wants to increase the Endep but rheumy says no, what do i do? I am doing stupid things lately, like putting the milk in the pantry. The best one was the other day when i went to sit on a chair that just was not there! I hit the gravel pretty hard. All sorts of hurts from that little episode. It's a worry. So after that i have been thinking maybe i should increase the Endep. This is only my second summer with RA.  I had shoulder surgery as soon as school let out last summer, so I just taught 2 online classes.  I was still trying out meds, and was able to do much anyway because of the shoulder.

This summer I am teaching nearly full time, but only have on class on campus M-TH.  No meetings, advising or office hours during the summer. I can't believe the difference in how I feel.  I can take a nap (my class on campus is in the morning) run errands and even do some housework. 

I really didn't realize how much energy it took from my limited amount available to work full time.  I am going to have to rethink my job.  I feel as if I have a life now.  Before I came home from work and collapsed.  Saturday's were shot because that is my MTX day and Sunday is church. 

Hmmm, something to think about.
Glad to hear your limited schedule is helping you to feel better Mary!!  We are trying to save money so I can reduce or stop working but the economy is so bad right now and we struggle just to make ends meet as it is but hubby says he is working on a few projects and if one of them pans out, things should really ease up financially for us.

I am also seeing a new doctor at the University of Mi the end of the month and hoping he may be able to help.  I am definitely gong to ask about adding ap therapy and either provingical (sp?) or adderal.
Thanks Michele.  I agree about the economy and I hope it works out for you.  I am just so glad I made the switch a few years ago to teaching. If I was still working at my job as a director in a hospital, I probably would be keeled over right now.

Financially, we could survive on one salary. We spent many years just making it and now it would be nice to have some extra money. I have been working for 30 years now and except when I took time off to have babies and surgery.  Even when my children were young, I ran a day care and delivered newspapers (in San Diego where the daily was a 3 pounder) in the early am. 

I just don't know if I could mentally handle it.  I know it sounds crazy, but I would hate having to choose.  I can cut back some, but since I am a full time instructor I have to meet minimum hours and obligations.  I will be thinking hard about it. 
Hi Michele, am happy to read that you'll be going to U of Mi at the end of the month.  It's been a struggle for you and I hope that they'll be able to untangle everything.  At least all of the specialist will be together and each have access to your medical records.  I went to Stanford early in the disease process and it was so much easier because of the specialists being under 1 roof.  Each of them read the same medical records, history, and treatment plans, so very little was lost in translation.  Take Care.  LindyI sure hope that's the case LinB. I am now hearing that you just see the doctor that they give you!!  I was understanding that there would be a team of specialist as well but I don't think that's going to be the case!
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