Scripts for Fatigue? | Arthritis Information


Are you on a script for fatigue?  If so can you tell us what it is, how long you've taken it and if you feel it helps?

Peace & Love...Neasy

Talk to Grammie Skittles....she is on something for fatigue.


I have been on Provigil.  It is wonderful.  No palpitations or anxiety.  I could take a nap if I needed too. I know our troops use it too.  Unfortunately, most insurance companies won't cover it unless you have certain diseases such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, MS, or you work shift work. 

I am on 20mg of adderal now.  It is the drug they give to kids with ADD and ADHD, kind of an amphetimine.  I don't like it as well as it can make me jittery and it wears off in the late afternoon.  If I didn't have something there is no way I could work. 

I think gramma is on Provigil.  I'm hoping she'll be around soon.

Mary can you only take one Adderal per day?  Not sure I like the sound of the jitters but I really think it would have to be better than this nightmare fatigue.

Peace & Love...Neasy


I am on Provigil like Mary is.  I love the stuff.  My insurance company does cover it, however it is at my teir 3 co-pay which is .  Like Mary, I have palpitations or anxiety.  I also do not run down like you would if you did an energy drink or energy pills.  I love the stuff. 

The only thing I really would caution someone on about taking something to ward off the fatigue is that you can still overdo it and end up the next day a very achy hurting mess lol.  Trust me on this one lol. 

Hi Neasy,

It comes in different strengths, I started on 10mg and am now on 20mg extended release.  I am more use to it now and notice the side effects less.  There are higher doses and I am going to talk to my GP about maybe taking the 20mg in the morning and then a 10mg after lunch on the days I work.

Word of warning, they suppress your appetite too.  I have lost about 10lbs since starting them a couple of months ago.  Not that I don't need it

Thanks gals, that gives me two options to discuss at my next appointment.  Did you decide to take these because the fatigue just became unbearable?  That's really where it is for me so something has to be done.  On my list for my appointment #1 is Fatigue: scale of 1-10 = 9....INSANE/UNBEARABLE!!  As far as losing weight, it certainly wouldn't hurt me to lose a few ::cough:: 25 or 30.

I don't know if this happens to anyone else but coffee, energy drinks etc... have never had any sort of effect on me.  I've never felt anything from them at all.  My friend started bringing me energy smoothies with red bull and wheat grass to my work for awhile and I felt absolutely nothing.  No pick me up at all.  Am I just an odd duck?

Peace & Love...Neasy


I teach at a college and I would fall asleep between classes.  I had cut down my workload to 15 credits (not a lot, last quarter I taught 27).  I would go to my daughters school and fall asleep in the car.  I never thought I would be so glad to see our youngest get a drivers permit.  Of course, when she drives I am WIDE AWAKE.

I couldn't take it anymore. I got samples and one month prescription for the Provigil but had to switch to adderal when my insurance wouldn't cover it.  They give it to MS patient in part due to the fatigue they experience with their meds.

I couldn't work if I didn't have something to help with the fatigue.  The fatigue reminds me of the type I had when I was first pregnant. 

Gramma is right though, I do overdo it sometimes since I am more awake.  I think one of the reasons fatigue is such a part of RA is that since it is an autoimmune disease the inflammation and fatigue is our bodies response to invaders so that conserves the energy it has to combat the invaders.
The energy drinks don't do anything but upset my tummy!!  I have never been a coffee drinker but have tried the red bull and others drinks out there. 

I remember liz mentioning the provigal before but I thought adderal was for kids with add??  I remember seeing a news blip about high school girls doing it for weight loss.  I am going to ask about these options when I go to U of M the 25th.  I am seriously afraid of falling asleep at the wheel and add in weight loss, BONUS! Micheleb,

I too was afraid of falling asleep at the wheel.  I don't know how many times I had to pull the car over and just sleep.  It is crazy.  Adderal is medication they use for kids with ADD.  It is a stimulant (never quite sure how adding a stimulant to a kid who is bouncing off the wall helps, but it must). 

I would prefer provigil, but insurance companies need to have RA added to their formularies for the drug for most companies to pay for it. 

Good luck and let us know what helps.

Wonder what it would take to get RA added for Provigil?  Might be something worth checking into as fatigue is a serious problem with RA patients.  It only makes sense.  I'll check into whether or not medical neccessity from the RD would help too and let you know what I find.

I've dealt with fatigue for years but lately it IS unbearable and could very well be dangerous.  I'm not into adding more pills but in this case I'll certainly make an exception.  My RD did say we would be doing labwork at the next visit too so that's probably a very good idea.  At least we'll see if there's anything out of the ordinary going on.

Peace & Love...Neasy


At the risk of sounding really stupid, the thing that helped me most with fatigue has been my water exercise class.  I get tired from the exercises, but somehow, it is strangely invigorating at the same time.  I know this isn't a drug -- but for me, it has helped immensely.

Actually IslandWoman I think that's a great idea and would love to get involved in something like that.  Unfortunately right now I really feel like I'd fall asleep and drown if I got into the water.  Perhaps if there's a boost to start with the water excercise would help and I'm certainly not opposed.  When I was younger I was a swimming teacher for kids ages 3-12.  I loved swimming and it is fantastic excercise.

Peace & Love...Neasy


Manys the time I have to drag myself to class, but i do it knowing that once I get in the water I'll feel better.  I've dragged myself into the pool mid-flare, mid-mind-warping fatigue, and I've always felt better for having gone.  The pool i go to has a zero entry that you can walk right in (and out) and the exercises are held in fairly shallow water.

If anyone is interested, check with the arthritis foundation website and plug your zip code in on the left, then go to "programs & services" for the closest approved water exercise classes near you.  I take mine at a rec center very near where I live (I'm so lucky!) and the pool water is nicely heated!  The pool we do our exercises in is shallow -- specifically for the purpose for which it is used.


I'll certainly check the site and thank you for sharing.

IslandWoman...that isn't stupid at all.  It is proven that when you exercise it decreases fatigue and increases energy level.  Something to do with chemicals in the brain that are released. 

Thanks, Neasy and GrandmaS.  I was hoping that my comments weren't inappropriate for the question.

