Newly Diagnosed | Arthritis Information


Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself.  I am very new to RA I started with my first flare up about 2 months ago.  Luckily, my family doc has a wife who specializes in JRA.  Right now I am trying sooooo hard to stay positive. 

I am so scared right now that the meds I am on won't work and I will be faced with the biologics.  I was full of energy and always on the go and now sometimes the simplest things are a chore.... I worry that this will eventually affect my marriage...I am reading how this disease can make you depressed and it is understandable, the pain, the fatigue and the inability to have control over your own body.  Sorry, I needed a little venting room

Thanks for listening

Hi Sparky and welcome to AI.

Being diagnosed with RA or any chronic illness is very frightening and overwhelming but you have found your way to a great board.  There are a lot of caring, supportive people here to help you and limitless information.  As far as being faced with biologics, personally I don't find them any more or less frightening than any of the other drugs used to treat RA.  A lot of us here are on biologics and many do very well.  There are also others that are not on biologics and still others that are on an antibiotic treatment.  In my opinion whatever works is worth it.

Fatigue and depression unfortunately are a very real part of RA and you will find that many of us are on medications for depression and/or fatigue as well.  I just started a post on how to help partners cope and understand.  Keep an eye on that one, I think we're going to get some good responses and ideas we might all find very helpful.  I think we have all struggled with that issue regardless of how wonderful our other half may be.  Also, I love the link I'm posting below (hopefully the link will work) and find that it really is helpful when trying to help someone understand what life is like with RA, Lupus, Fibro etc... hp

Feel free to read, ask questions, vent etc....That's why we're here.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Hi and welcome from another full figured woman Hi and welcome to the board!!!  Feel free to vent at anytime!!  That is what we are here for!!Wow.... that spoon theory really hits it on the head!!!  It is so very true that I have tried over the last couple of weeks to really learn to listen to my body!!!  Thanks for making me feel welcome.Welcome to the board!


Hi Sparky, welcome and I hope you feel better soon. We are all going through the same thing and can so relate. Hang in there!