to pin - uti’s | Arthritis Information


seen you have had a good few uti s with the humira - how are you dealing with them?   are you taking lots of anti-biotics?    be careful with the anti-biotics because they can really mess up your bowel.   are you eating a live yoghurt every day or taking probiotics?
I use probiotics, then  I am drinking lots of cranberry juice and drink citrus soda twice a week. I had to resort to the antibiotics as the infections were painful and wouldnt clear up. As soon as i stopped the Humira the UTI went away and started up again on use of Humira but the humira is working so well on my RA that the UTI's  are worth it. I have come down with sinus infection again 3 days after my Humira injection......I think i am going to have to go back to Doctor as my face is so painful and I have developed a cough I wish there were no side effects as its more pills to combat their symptoms. hi pin,
how awful for you!  did you get sinus infections before the humira?   or did the humira bring them on?   i remember someone i used to work with someone who got lots of sinus infections and he took something herbal (?) for them to keep them at bay... have you tried anything naturapathic??  after typing this im going to do a search on the internet to see what it was that bloke was taking for sinus....
if the humira brings on sinus infections, is it worth trying enbrel?

I think the guy was taking something called "goldenseal"

One of the most effective herbal remedies for sinus infections is goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), which you can take either as a tea or in tincture form. When you have an infection, a warm flannel laid across the bridge of the nose will also bring relief.

... but i dont know if we can take this along with our other meds.

