itching | Arthritis Information


Anyone ever heard of itchy skin and scalp being apart of RA?I know this probably sounds like a wierd question but I just thought I would ask.My scalp especially itches alot.No dandruff and dry scalp nor dry skin.Who knows?

Maybe get it checked out.


As I recall, last year when I first got RA and hurt so bad, I had a lot of itching around my ankles. 


My mother and Grandmother use to have horrible reactions to ibuprofen like Niki mentioned. They both would get a rash on their forearms.

What medications are you on?

Narcotic pain relievers can make you ITCH like crazy.....Darvocet is one of the only ones I can take and even that starts up by the end of the day


Definitely narcotics make you itch.  I itch on Darvocett.  I hate taking it because of itching but sometimes the itching is worth the pain relief. 