Glad to be back. | Arthritis Information


 Did all you comebackees have to re-register??  I had to, it didn't recognize me.



Hello Kieye... think I recognize your sign in! It is good to
have the site back. Yes, I did have to re-register to get going. Whole new
ball game here. It's funny that so many have confessed to be former
lurkers. Guess it took a dramatic event to unearth us!!??? The good thing
is, I have emerged from my dark hole.. and it isn't even groundhog's day
yet!LOL Look forward to hearing from many others.          ;           ;           ;           ;
I had to reregister too.  I am so glad this site is back.

 yes i had to reregister too.  Not sure if i have the same name now or not.  oh well at least i am back on the site.  I missed it so much.  Look forward to chatting with u all very soon.




