BACK FROM A&E (ER) | Arthritis Information


Many thanks for your concerns. I am ok now but have an infection of the bronchial tubes and sinus's and circulation in my legs is poor , they think this is due to being immobile over the last few weeks. I am on a course of strong anti biotics and had an injection in my tummy because of the immobility ( heparin). Had a scan on my legs just to check for blood clots but thank goodness there was nothing.( seems to be a regular exam at our hospital for immobility). I am going to see my G.P. today for a follow up and i have an appointment with my rheumy tomorrow to discuss the Humira. When I am not on it I dont get sinus infections or any kind of infection but as soon as I start it again the infections rear up. I can handle the little infections but this one has wiped me out.

I hope you all have a lovely 4th July , relax and put your feet up and have a great time.

Take care


so glad you are feeling more positive.  it sounds like you might need to change your anti-tnf??????? 
the hospital have rung me to say i have to go in next week for something
i have to do before they send in the prescription, so the funding has come through.

Sorry you have yet another infection

Glad to hear you have no blood clots. I hope the anti-biotic will do the trick and your RD RXs you a different biological.

Keep your chin up... you will find relief, soon

I dont know about changing my biologic as when I was prescribed Humira my rheumy said "this is the last resort, if this doesnt work I cant give you anything else

Hello, just though I'd chip in about TNF's! I started off on enbrel (etanercept) and eventually got 3 really good days a week out of it. However, I perhaps got a bit greedy and asked for more drug so I could have more good days. They said no to that but instead changed me to Humira. I had 2 injections and they pulled me off it, saying it wasn't showing any evidence of working! Well, I argued and argued that 2 shots isn't enough to tell if it's working or not but, as it stands, I've been taken off the anti-TNF programme and I'm gutted to say the least. They didn't even try infliximab or anything. I'm not saying it would've worked but I'm desparate enough to try anything. My GP is trying to change my consultant for me. Hopefully I'll be able to see someone who is a bit more forward thinking. Best wishes to you. Kate

I'm so sorry to hear you are wiped out. I hope you are felling better fast. (((((hugs)))))  Feel better soon!!!!

Pin, am so glad you went to ER.  Clots are one of the realities of having RA and not being active enough.  I developed all the same symptoms that you had, went to the ER and was told I was in cogestive heart failure and given Lasix.  Went to my GP and he agreed with ER doc.  3 weeks later we were in a town 60 miles from where we lived and my symptoms worsened and I went to the ER at a large, university hospital. I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my lung due to inactivity from RA.  If I had gone back to my community hospital they probably would have killed me by misdiagnosing again. Spent 4 days in ccu and almost died.  Took Coumadin for a year and am watched closely by my doctors for clots. 

WE ALL NEED TO GET UP AND MOVE AROUND, even if it's only walking the halls in the house or outside in the yard.  Don't sit for long periods of time.  I know it hurts us to walk but being in ccu and having shots in my belly for a month was much worse than the pain from walking around. I learned a lesson. Keep moving. 

Pip, I didn't mean to hijack your thread but you opened up an issue that I'm adament about.  It's really important.  I'm happy that they did all the right tests for you and ruled out a clot.  Take it easy and rest but move every hour or so to keep the blood circulating.  Lindy

Awwww *hugs* relax, and get better!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid infections.

Ahhh Pin-Lisa

Sincerely, Monk

Feel better soon, Lisa!

Pin the sickest I ever was on Humira I had a bad sinus infection and bronchitis. After three weeks on three different antibiotics they finally did a chest x-ray to check for phenmonia. Luckily it never turned into that. It can real easily. I hope you're feeling better soon. Be careful coughing. I pulled a muscle in my back with all that coughing and that was the worse part!

Feel better soon. Happy 4th of July. (Ignore my post on the other thread. I came there looking to see how you were. Glad you're home.

Lisa I'm so sorry you're not feeling well.  Glad you're home though & hoping you feel better real soon.  Let us know how it goes at your appointment.

Peace & Love...Neasy
