Pagets Disease | Arthritis Information


I have had a PET scan on my lungs to see if some nodules were cancer. There was two spots that lite up. They are telling me it is not from the nodules and now they want to do a bone scan. He said they could be an infection, osteoarthritis, or tumor. The radiologist that read the PET scan said that the FDG uptake was consistent with malignancy.

Has anyone had a similar experience. I just found out about the bone scan and wasn't told about it after they ruled out the malignancy of the nodules. Just confusing. I feel like a ping pong ball.



I had never heard of Paget's disease.  I had to research that one.  It sounds terrible.  I've never experienced what you are going through right now but I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

When they said it could be osteoarthritis, does that mean of a rib?

Thank you for replying to my message. Yes I guess that is what they meant. They also said I have it up and down my spine. I am just plain confused. I know my family is sick and tired of hearing about it.

My daughter won't even talk about it and she is my best friend. Again thank you.

LindaDear Linda, I hope and pray you are ok. Love and gentle hugs, JIve been having lung issues with my RA too. Have they mentioned a bronchoscopy to rule out infections first? I had one for that reason. Now i will be having a ct guided biopsy soon.

I don't know anything about this, I just wanted to tell you we're all here for you to talk to...sorry you're daughter isn't wanting to talk about it with you. (my husband is the same way)


(((hugs))) to you sweetie! I don't know much about this disease either, but I will look it up. I'm sure your daughter cares very much, but is scared right now. My father is the same's frustrating, but I understand.  Good luck with the bone scan. Did they say how soon they would be doing it???

You are in my prayers...

Did they tell you that you have Paget's based on your scan? My dad had Paget's and his brother, my uncle, and my brother has it. I don't. My uncle died very crippled up (that's how we put it years ago). You really couldn't see it in my dad or my brother and I don't remember either of them ever complaining about it. On what are they basing a Paget's diagnosis?


I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers as we speak.

Your daughter probably doesn't want to talk about it because she is so worried. I know I tend to avoid things when I am very worried about them, especially with those to whom I am closest. Its probably a normal reaction and as she gets more information she will probably do better with it.



Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way.  Hoping that you are doing okay - thinking of you.  Please let us know how you are doing!


