useful site for alternative health info | Arthritis Information


I thought id just post this url which some of you might find useful.
The Sunday Times used to have an alternative health section in its magazine and this site grew out of that, and is made up mainly of the articles and letters that were published on its pages.   On the left hand side of the home page there is a search engine so you can type in what your looking for like "sinus" and up will pop a list of articles in the site.    the articles do hyperlink to sales sites for supplements so for instance if you clicked on "cranberry extract" it would probably take you to a supplier wanting to sell that to you.   However apart from that, I sometimes find the info here quite good even if I never ever use any of the recommended sites for buying stuff.  

here's an example of the stuff you can find out:

Urinary tract infections - does lemon barley water help? (28 Nov 1999)

I know cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections and is therefore useful if you have a history of this problem but just recently, I heard that lemon barley water can do the same. I remembering hearing my own mother say this when I was a child. Is it true?

Your mother was right. The combination of lemon and barley acts as a powerful antiseptic tonic, especially for the digestive system and the urinary tract. Fresh lemon juice has antibacterial and antiviral properties and, as well as helping to cleanse your whole system, can halt the progression of infections, especially in the bladder and kidneys.

Barley is high in the antioxidant nutrients, vitamins A, C, E, and selenium. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and is especially effective in the urinary tract - where it can help prevent infections. To make lemon barley water, add 2 tablespoons of pearl barley to 1 pint (500ml) of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and add the barley to another pint of fresh water. Boil again for 10 minutes and strain. Serve the reserved water, warm or cold, with fresh lemon juice and honey. Before squeezing lemons, steep them first for 15 minutes in hot water. This will produce twice the amount of lemon juice.

If you have ulcers, avoid lemons and lemon juice and if you have the symptoms of cystitis, including a burning sensation when you urinate, a frequent urge to pass water, abdominal pain and fever, do not ignore them or try and treat yourself but consult your doctor. Urinary tract infections, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications, including kidney damage.
