Yahoo -medical news today | Arthritis Information


Hi, I just received a medical alert that  our doctors overestimate our disabilities, and inability to work! Huh? Well , I doubt that. If I was trying to to Architectural secretarial work (typing all day, answering the phone, doing office work in general, taking care of 'business' ) I'd be a basket case! I hate headlines like that that cause people to think what? we are faking it?????LyndaYeah, I read that, too, Hurts.  Wish the "darling person" who dreamed that up spent a day in one of our bodies!Hi,  is there a link to that story?


I want to see it, too.


Thanks! ~Karin

Here it is....... m

LynnI wrote to Health News, or whatever it is called and told them 'we don't need this' and that I wished I'd been asked!! LYNDAFrankly, I think they underestimate it.  They don't feel it, have no way to feel it.   I thinks it's hard because this disease all effects us differently.  Some of us can work, others can't.   Hopefully someday there will eb a way to measure the disability effectively.