OT: Sometimes... | Arthritis Information


Sometimes don't ya wish ya had a VCR in your head to record your dreams?

I cannot stand it when I get like little flashes of my dream I had before I woke up. I will dwell on it all day and try to see if I can remember what excatly happened in my dream.

I have been doing that today... I was having a dream this morning and then daughter came in my room and woke me up to ask if she could play a video game - UGH! I went back to sleep a little after getting comfortable again, but my dream did not continue like it normally does when I fall back to sleep.

Just one time!! Just one time... I would like to be able to have a dream until it's end! Or at least remember more of the dream after I wake up!

I like to dream, because times in my dreams I am doing things I normally cannot do in real life.

One time I dreampt (I know not a word) that I was being chased in a hospital by a serial killer... he was a cross between Michael Myers/Maniac Cop/Jason Vorhees. It was one of the few dreams I remember a lot of.

I don't like to remember my dreams for the most part.  Some of the meds have given me "technicolor" dreams...where they are really vivid and I remember them all day long and I hate it!  In the morning when I get up, if I start to remember a dream, I have to consciously try to forget it or it's stuck in my head.  The Arava really did that to me.  Thank goodness the Imuran doesn't seem to have that affect.

So joonie, all I can say is either start taking Arava, or do you wanna trade brains?

I like to remember my dreams. Too bad I only remember bits & pieces. Some of my dreams I feel would make great stories

When I was a kid, I use to have those DeJa Vu dreams... you know the ones where you dream of stuff before they happen and then a few days later you are like I remember dreaming this!

I do that sometimes now, but not that often, probably because I do not sleep sound, that much anymore.

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