TINKER | Arthritis Information


Nice to see you again, how ave you been keeping? Thought you had been washed out with the rain

At last visit to rheumy (31st May) my RA was declared 'under control'

Btw.......remember when you asked about cat scans on here and I said I'd found a pic and that you'd be fine? LOL, I hated it and kept my eyes shut tight!


As for the weather, i cant believe we are in summertime, even in Kent its been a washout. I have been trying to watch Wimbeldon and gave up Glad you did well with the CAT scan!!

And oh that mental image of the trouserless man....LMAO!!!  That was great. 

Happy to hear from you again and hope you are doing well!!!

I tell you gramma, he nearly had my eye out LOLHello again Tinker!!!!!!! Glad to see you again!! :) I was told I needed a CT scan once. I panicked and fled the hospital. Hahaha SO GOOD FOR YOU!!!
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