diet =flares | Arthritis Information



I'd be really interested if anyone has any advice on how what they eat affects their symptoms. Since I found out I have PA I have cut out anything that could be considered not healthy in some attempt to take control of this thing (I know, you seniors are probably chuckling at my optimism). Funny thing (well, actually, it wasn't funny) is last night I was too knackered to cook properly for me and my daughter so I did the ready meal thing and this morning I literally couldn't move. I couldn't get down the stairs, dress myself or anything. I had incredible pain in joints that previouly I didn't think were affected and far worse inflammation in the joints that are bad already. I was so scared- still fighting to get an appointment with the RD so I cant ask there yet.

Does anyone know how PA differs from RA and if there are any known triggers? From what I've read there's no evidence based link between diet and arthritis symptoms.

I'm sorry if these are dumb questions but any advice would be appreciated.


Hi Samantha, I have both RA and PA and for me the PA has been the most painful.  PA has caused more damage to my joints than RA.  I've not found any particular food or group of food that makes the symptoms worse but I have found that a low carb/fat diet helps with the inflammation and swelling.  I don't have any scientific research to relate to you, it just works for me.  I was off the diet for 4 days and started to swell and joints became inflammed.  I'm now back on my diet and am having less swelling and pain each day.  It can't hurt to try it.  It may not work for you, but then again it might.  Lindy

Hi , I don't eat tomatoes, bell peppers or potatoes all from the nightshade family (egg plant also, but I've never eaten much of it anyway) One summer after thinking 'this can't be so' I ate a lot of salads for a week with everything I loved in them. Bingo!, I had a flare that took months to overcome. So I just don't 'experiment any more'.

some people here have trouble with sugar, it makes them flare? That is sure possible, but I haven't pinpointed it exactly. I'll keep track next time I make a cake, etc! and see if I feel worse.

It's such a bother to eliminate the foods you love and so unless you can experiment (those prepared foods have a lot of things in them? MSG, maybe), so perhaps reading the labels would help?

Good luck sorthing this all out it is very complicated. Lynda
