Sorry to complain but... | Arthritis Information


my knees have really been bothering me the last couple of days.

Beginning of the week... I had "twisted" both knees several times in one day and the next day as well. Now, I have annoying, stabbing, burning, jabbing pain in both knees, but not at the same time.

One will swell bigger than the other one and the one with the most swelling wins! It gives the most pain and hurt to walk on or bend.


Like right now right knee is swelled more than left, and my right knee is hurtin' like a mofo! and will not straighten nor bend it is just stuck in the darn 90 degree angle. And it is just awful to try to stand up and walk after sitting down for a few minutes.

Life Sucks... no amount of Brawny Paper towels is going to wipe this mess up


Woman! You need new meds. Or something. I mean really, this is out of hand. Maybe the humira isn't working any more? I know that would ROYALLY suck, but wouldn't it be better to admit to it, and be getting onto some new meds, instead of suffering all the time?? :(

But I know how you feel. And I know what you're doing because I do it too. "It'll get better" "maybe." "eventually" "see, its okay right now" "okay now it hurts again"


Oh I would be way worse off if it was not for the Humira. I just need something to go with that Humira, but I have ran out of those options a long time ago. I am the opposite of people on here, so it seems, they run out of the "big guns" and I ran out of "little guns" to work for me.

My knees really were not this bad, until I twisted them the beginning of the week. But I do have one thing to say... My FEET do not hurt anymore, which I could not handle, but I can handle my knees hurting, but only to an extent and well right now they have put me pass my limit and I MUST complain to make myself feel better.

It is either you guys, or poor old (and I do mean old

Keep those knees iced, elevated, and ace wrapped to keep the swelling down. (Easy for me to say, I know. I don't have little ones running around. LOL)

Also, I know you're trying to taper off your Prednisone, but now's probably not the time to be cutting down. Let the knees heal first.





Thanks !  I have given up on tapering the pred. Too much swelling and pain going on to continue, but I did have a good start and did get down to 2.5mg, which is way better than 5mg. Sorry to hear about the knees. I know what it is like to chase after little
ones. Do your best to stay off your feet. Maybe a trip to the video store
to keep the kids happy. Or better yet--a sleepover at somebody else's
house! Joonie, I think you need to stabilise the pred for a little while, sometimes we have to take 2 steps forward and one step back, hope u feel better soon, hugs Janie. janiefx39269.3153935185Get out the ice bags!  Love and hugs

My knees both feel way better today, almost normal. Neither are very warm to the touch, no heat radiating what-so-ever. I guess it was just the weather. Damn dirty weather!!

OMG!! Ice *KILLS* me. It really makes my bones hurt and seems to make me swell worse. Now heat it works great for the swelling, but who wants a heating pad on them when it is like already in 90's outside and about 80 degrees in the house? Not I!


I hate ice and cold too on my joints.  We live in the desert and it will be over 100 again today.  I love my air conditioning in the car and house, but I start to ache if it blows on my joints.  