Breast bone inflammation? | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, any of you ever had this, I have had the awful rib pain, but this pain today was excruciating and every time I got up from sitting, or used my arms to pick something up etc the breast bone was so painful and even worse to touch?  I do have costochondritis, could it be related?  I am having a flare though, maybe its just another new area????  Hugs Janie.  Costo can affect a large area.  Mine can be very painful but if this is a new area of pain, you might want to call your doctor, just to be for sure.

Ooooo tough call on this one.  It could be the costo but it could also be something else.  Call your doc on this one just to be on the safe side. 

Like Michele, my daughter's costo can affect a large area (if that is possible on a petite person) and can be very painful. 

My costo pain is usually isolated to a small area but that area moves around.  I've never had it as bad as you described.  I think it warrants a call to your RD.  LindyWhen I had rib pain really bad like that, I ended up going to the ER and it was pleursy.  You might want to go get it checked out.  Is it making you short of breath?I have always had horrible costo. It has gotten to the point that my whole
posture has changed. I also get the rib pain cause I am not using the
correct muscles to breathe due to chest inflammation.

Call your dr. If it is costo there are alot of treatments. You mention that
you have been diagnosed with it before. If that is the case then you
probably need to have the dr. find another treatment option. I recieve PT
twice a week for ultrasound and I also have a tens unit.

I know how painful this is so please call the dr. if not any better. Also,
chest pain can be a sign of other stuff as MaggieB mentioned.

I have a horrible time with the exact pain you describe. Exactly where you mentioned. My RD says it's inflammation in the breast bones. I have very large breast on a fairly small frame so that contributes to mine as well. I use the cool packs that came with my Humira and that helps the most for me.

I'd get it confirmed to make sure it's nothing else. That area can be tricky and you certainly want to make sure it's nothing else.....but it's certainly possible.

Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks everyone, this morning it has eased as well as all the other "rheumatoid" areas so I would imagine it is inflammation but I will get it checked, thanks a lot to all of you.  Love Janie. holy crud!! I never heard of this...and, well, I have this sorta pain and have for, well, forever. I just chalked it up to RA and never even mentioned it to my doc's.

When I go to the gym, well, used to go, when I used the machine to work the chest (with the chest machine) I would get a horrible pain right where those first few ribs attach to the left side of my breast bone. Now I have pain in that area pretty frequently.

At least now I have something new to talk to my doc about...hahahaha...but seriously THANKS for this thread.

Sorry to drone on about me but, I am actually super happy to have found a potential answer!!

Lovie thanks for the cool packs suggestion.  I will have to try that with Danielle next time she has a flare up of the costo.  She is very anti med and getting a tylenol or ibuprofen in her sometimes is a fight that frustrates me and exhausts me. 

