Not RA?????? | Arthritis Information


For the past three years, I have had morning stiffness in my hands, then March I started with a lot of pain.  I have pain in my hands, feet, knees and hips.  Went to my GP and he put me on prednisone for a week to see if it helped.  It did and he referred me to a rheumatologist.

I had my first rheumatologist appt. this week.  They did blood work and x-rays.  She prescribed Lodine. 

Rheumy's office called this afternoon and said my blood work was normal and x-rays only showed some degeneration in my big toe.  Advised me to continue Lodine and follow up in 6 weeks.

So, I take this to mean I don't have RA.  But when I called my sister, she says that degeneration is not normal for someone my age (38). 

Does anyone know if this is normal?  I know I shouldn't be in the pain I am in but with everything saying normal, I don't even know if I should go back to the Rheumy. 

Thanks to all, I read posts every day to see if anyone else is out there like me.  Your information is invaluable!!

Dianne, I'm not going to be much help to you but there are others on the forum who have sero-negative RA and who are treated with the same meds and treatment plans as the positive lab.  I don't know what the distinction is because I tested positive with all my labs from day one.  I'm sure that you'll be hearing from the other forum members soon.  It's not common for someone your age to have degeneration and I'd have another long conversation with that RD after you do your research.  Take care.  LindyI guess I would get a second opinion if I were you. I'm among several on here who is seronegative (labs don't show anything). However, my xrays of my hands shows significant changes, leading my rheumatologist to confirm the diagnosis. I hope you get some answers soon. FEel better, J


You need to talk to your doctor.  Degeneration of the toe joint does indicate something is going on...OA/RA/gout without the information the doctor possesses it is anyone's guess.

Keep a symptom diary over the next 6 weeks record everything and anything even if it seems unrelated.  What you write down may yeild clues to a diagnosis

Hi Dianne,

I am one of those seronegatives with RA.  Luckily for me I have always had the support of my rheumatologists.  It was, in fact, an orthopedic doctor treating a swollen, red knee who first suggested that I see a rheumatologist...about 10 years ago.  I never would have gone on my own.  My hands, wrists, feet, toes, and ankles have all been affected.  You mentioned degeneration in your big toe...I cannot imagine someone as young as you with degenerative arthritis unless it was RA.   It doesn't matter if your labwork supports the diagnosis...this is a diagnosis based on symptoms and history.  If you have a smart doctor, he/she will treat the disease and not quibble over the numbers.  I've been on methotrexate for 7 years...and Remicade for 1 year...I think I'd be crippled by now if a very smart doctor had not aggressively treated this disease years ago before it took hold of me.  Good luck to you.

Mmmhmm. I've had this crap since I was about 18months old, and I have *never* tested for it. But it shows in my x-rays. Of course, I'm sure it didn't show as much when I was little, it did take them some time to all agree that JRA is what I had. I would keep taking the meds if you feel they are helping you, and let your doctor know that you'd like a little more explanation. You def. have SOMETHING going on, and it needs to be kept an eye on. :) Good luck to you!Hi  Dianne, as always you have gotten great responses from members of this board. There are so many types of arthritis and it seems to attack everyone differently, so I'd hound my doc to pay attention to my pain and suffering. As said before, document every day what hurts, what helps and how severe (a scale of 1 to 10 for your pain). You are in the early stages of sorting out all of this, so good luck and if need be get on the phone and ask for a sooner appointment. I'm sorry as it sounds like you are in a great deal of pain. lots of luck, LyndaHi Dianne, I too had your same symptoms, was neg for RA factore but had a positive ANA. Was told by my GP that I had a False Positive----no it was not in my head my pain was very real! I was lucky enoughto see a great rhumetologist who has diagnosed me with Sero Neg Ra after just 6 months. My treatment is aggresive , I have a list of meds and started Enbrel Last month.  My xrays were good also but the pain is persisitant...just as you need to be with your doctor!. You know how you feel..hopefully things will get better for you. I canfinally walk down the stairs in the morning without holding on to the walls a major improvment , Hang in there!  Chris