Trembly/weak on Pred? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone else get a sort of trembly weak feeling, esp in the morning, on Pred? Feels like an all-over fine tremor, but there is actually no tremor on the outside, feels like it's on the inside! My heart rate is a little on the fast side too when this happens. Crazy. I wake up with it and it fades by mid morning. Also, now that my arms are free of pain and stiffness, they feel kinda weak, like jelly. Is this because I have not really used the muscles due to pain and now that the pain is gone, they are out of condition?

Day two of my new lowered dose of 10mg and I am pain and stiffness free, but feel all washed up and weak and tired. Is this something others have noticed?

Finally, is  Pred accumulative, or does it do it's work over 24 hours and then leave the system? Sorry about all the questions! Thanks... Just thought I'd say, a few days later, that I'm feeling a lot better. The 10mg dose is a lot easier to live with than the 20. Arms do feel a bit weak today, but that's probably because I have been using them properly, for the first time in months! Those symptoms could relate to low blood sugar.  Prednisone deplete the chromium in your system, which is required to help the insulin work to regulate your blood sugar.  Chromium piccolinate supplements (take with biotin) help to alleviate this, at least they do for me.I  also am shakey and weak, wonder if it is low blood sugar. 

I have been on pred for some time now perhaps it is having its side effect.

is that a blood test to see if your blood sugar is off?

My blood sugar is apparently OK, so I don't know what it is.  After a week on 10mg, I am not shaky, but arms feel slightly weak and a definite tremor comes on for a few hours in the afternoons. Just in the hands, a sort of shaking of the fingers when they are outstretched and tensed, not when completely relaxed and resting. I have checked with the doctor's nurse and she says if it continues they may reduce my dose. I see that tremors can happen as a side effect on high doses, but I thought 10mg was lowish. Ruth, I will make sure I am getting enough chromium.