LIVE EARTH 7-7-07 | Arthritis Information


Wanted to know if anyone is tuning into live earth tomorrow. Should be
some great music. Garth Brooks is performing. YAY!!lorster39270.7382291667Ummm... yeah... probably not. Probably will watch if off and on during the day.  Want to see Sting. LindyI love Sting. I want to see him as well. I saw him in concert years ago.
We were six rows back. The opening act ended up being hospitalized the
evening of the show. So, Sting came out and sat on the edge of the stage
and took requests of random songs. Very Cool!

BeckyI'll definitely be tuned in, waiting for Dave Matthews Band!There was a singer from Austrailia on last night named Missy Higgins. She
was great. gonna check into some of her music. [QUOTE=joonie] Ummm... yeah... probably not. [/QUOTE]

This response is why I don't post much anymore. Sorry if I offended you
Joonie.Wow, Cat Stevens sang. How amazing. Does anyone remember him?YES! I loved Cat Stevens back in the day!

I'm still waiting for Dave Matthews though. I really want to go take a shower, but I just know that's when he'll come on. LOL

I've done absolutely NOTHING all day, by the way, except watch Live Earth!

Yeah, its good. My husband has it on the big tv switching between bravo
and sundance, then he has sirius satallite for sound and the lap top on a
different area...i'm so confused. Makes me absolutely crazy lol. So, there is
a female singing on the big screen but a mans voice from the sirius, then al
gore on the laptop and the laptop is delayed. He does not want to miss
anything he says. Sheesh.Hmmmm I missed this somehow........what's Live Earth?Live Earth is a concert for a climate in crisis - global warming. It's still going, you can tune in to Bravo and enjoy! Red Hot Chili Peppers are on right now!Katie, 2 billion people joined in to see this concert today, quite a turnout
one way or the other. It is a way to educate the planet on what we all can do
to help cut down on green house gasses. It was quite educational and
entertaining. It is still on, concert is over but they are replaying right now so
tune in if you are still up. Some great music. I saw bands that I have not
seen in years. I just saw where the mayor of NYC is having all the cabs go
hybrid by a certain year. That is a great idea. I hope you are able to tune in
and see what it is all about.

Brisen, did you ever see Dave Matthews?

Lori - YES!! I finally did see Dave Matthews Band, and they were awesome as usual. Sting also rocked!


Oh sweet. I don't know how I missed that. But I haven't been around the TV much lately. WAH!! I got off work super late tonight, then we had dinner. Missed the whole thing. :| Do you think they'll play any of it again? I think you can go to the internet and play any clip from it you like.Oh yeah. DUH!

I was just wondering if we *were* kinda helping out?

Not everyone lives in a major city, and half the people where we live do not even have city water, but well water still. So, there is only so much someone who lives way out in the woods can do. I guess we can try not to burn down the woods next to us. Yeah... I like to breathe.

Oh and we just recently started trying to recycle aluminum. Since that is the only thing we have that is a recycle center.

joonie39271.7462037037Sorry Joon misunderstood your post.


  Hey Joonie...when I was researching the frozen plastic water bottles I remember scanning over something about home burning garbage in cans. Said it was way more toxic to the atmosphere and humans than landfills. Seems dioxins released in home burning don't go as high up in the atmosphere to be dispersed and diluted and fall back down on plants, animals, water, and people with a higher concentration.  Interesting to me because thats what everyone did when I was growing up.... Be careful how close you burn to your home and gardens...

Yeah we do not burn trash that much. Maybe 2-3 times a month. We mostly burn after hubby has cut down some of the bamboo and/or bushes. Then we throw some of the paper and cardboard we accumlated over a month or so on it too.

Now, our neighbors, they burn everything! They do not have waste management to pick up their trash, at least we do. We have not burned anything in quite sometime, since we have been in drought and put under a no burn policy, plus the bamboo was not growing that fast the last couple of months, but it sure has spourted up now since we have had rain everyday for 2 weeks now.


  Oh yeah , my hubby burns brush and limbs all the time,I don't think that will hurt anything. I was talking about all house garbage, cause thats what we used to do.It is best to recycle as much as you can. Joonie, since you don't have a
way to recycle, there are other things you can do to cut down on waste.
One, is don't buy anything in plastic if you don't have to. It is actually
better to buy in aluminum cans and glass, way better and not as bad on
the environment. Buy in bulk if you are able. Take canvas bags to put
your groceries in.   Turn off lights, try to car pool whenever you are able.
I have some of the same issues you do as I live in rural america. But, you
could maybe start a recycling campaigne in your community. There is
nothing like making people aware of what they can do to help the earth. I
took a trip to the dump about a year ago to dispose of some old carpet
when we remodeled. I got the shock of my life when I saw it. It was
absolutely disgusting and made me sick and sad at the same time. I have
recycled for a long time but I cut back on my garbage building even more
at that point. I just have a hard time thinking I'm contributing to this
horrendous mess so I will do what I can to not be part of the problem. One of the big things too don't buy and use styrofoam, it does not breakdown ever.  A thousand years from now a styrofoam cup in a landfill will still be a styrofoam cup.   meme

Honestly, I think it should be a matter of law, and our local and/or state governments should be committed to recycling. 

I am happy knowing that the few seconds it takes for me to rinse out an empty can and save it in my recycle bin is a small way for me to do something positive for my environment.  But I need the whole system in place for collecting and properly recycling that can for it to work.  If your state doesn't have a recycling law, why not get involved, and push your state legislators to put one in place.

I think everyone knows that the Planet has a finite life. Hopefully many many years from now. Awareness is good. The problem is all music shows pretty much go nowhere.  No Nukes, Live aid. Live 8. on and on. To put on these shows causes an awful lot of pollution. Cars, buses Private jets. Haulers, etc. Where was the Mission Statement. I was not there. Was something handed out to the concert goers. Not much on TV. 

It is law here to recycle also.  If you do not and they catch you.... it is a 0 fine., Maybe when our town gets a city hall and community center going I might write our town mayor and suggest looking into a way for our community to recycle. My FIL at one time wanted to open up a recycling center that him and hubby could run, but that did not pan out. *shrugs shoulders*6t5frlane it was onNBC, Sundance channel, bravo channel vh1 classics and several other channels, all day Saturday till 1am, there was even where the Catholic church in Rome had a choir singing in the show.  It was seen on 7 continents and over 200 countries.  memeI meant no mention of a Actual Mission statement by the organizers. I know it was on TV ( dreadfull ratings apparently ). They showed a feed from  The Meadowlands in NJ. Said it was sold out. A LOT of empty seats. Also heard that some scientist took out an ad wanting to debate the Big Man himself Al Gore . Not sure whats going on with that but I think it would be interseting  2 billion people tuned in 6t5. I guess I don't consider that a flop. If one
good message was taken away from it, that is great.   If it increases
recycling, decreases energy use, why not? Yeah, I do feel that it burned
much energy to make it happen. I think they knew that but they are looking
at long term goals here, I don't think they were thinking how it is going to
help us next month or even next year. I think they are thinking tens,
hundreds and thousands of years. Yes, life on this planet will end, it has
many times before but lets at least make it as healthy as we can while we
occupy it.

Ok... I have a question... not meaning nothing by it just interested in the answer. I am a question asker, not an answerer.

Lorster said "Yes, life on this planet will end, it has many times before and lets at least make it as healthy as we can while we occupt it."

My question is... what did the dinosaurs and cavemen do that made the world end for them?

Lorster, Sorry to burst your bubble but 2 Billion was the number they hoped to reach. Very Dismal showing in the USA and Great Britain. It was the Least watched show Sat night here in the US. 2.7 Million viewers. Even the re-runs did better. Check reuters for the news.  Heard some guy on the TV saying since Live earth did so poorly ( Dismal was the actual phrase ) on TV are these big concerts going to go away for whatever the cause of the moment is??  