If you have it in your feet...... | Arthritis Information


Where specifically is your pain? Mine is in the tops and it drives me crazy. I am on Relafin, but it doesn't do anything for me at all.



mine hurt on the bottoms, tops, and in my toes. Most times if my feet hurt & swell, my ankles hurt & swell as well.

My foot pain is a combination of RA/PA/OA and peripheral neuropathy, at any given time I can have pain in any part of my foot or all of my foot.  Most of the time my foot pain has been worse than anything else.  I feel like I'm walking on pebbles and get sharp, electric like pains if I step on the slightest little thing.  I took Relafen in the early stages of my diagnosis but it was a useless.  Neurontin has helped me.   Lindy mostly I have pain in my arch, and the bottoms of my feet. But it is the same on both sides. My ankles are wrecked simply because, well, they suck...5 major high sprains in the right ankle and 4 in the left. another fun part is when I run, even as a kid, they will slip out of joint slightly. feels like I am stepping in a gopher hole. Made a buddy I player ball with throw up one day when he saw it happen...until then I never knew...thought is was a gopher hole...hahahaha.

Anyway, where and what hurts will vary for ya...it can even just be like the large knuckle in your big toe and maybe GP's apparently will mistake that for gout.

I have found that sub-lingual GABA has helped with some of the peripheral neuropathy I have from the RA/inflammation. But your mileage may vary in that area. But GABA is inhibitory for nerve conduction just took a shot it might help with any tingly stuff...and it does a fair bit.Thanks for your help! Of all the places in body that arthritis effects me, the feet are the most painful, with the exception of when it flares in my lower back.

Nancy There is not a specific place on my feet that hurt more than another spot.  When my feet swell and ache...it is the whole foot including the ankle. 
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