happy enbrel stories | Arthritis Information


usually people post when there's an issue.   as im soon to go on enbrel i thought it would be good to get some happy enbrel stories from people....   did enbrel really work for you?
i suppose this is a stupid question really.   if anyone is doing well on enbel they wont be posting...
I used Enbrel for nearly 3 years and it was wonderful!  Then it suddenly stopped working, so I am switched over to Remicade. :(  

Hi Anna!  Enbrel worked literally overnight for me.  One day I was gimping around as usual, I took my first shot and the day after I was practically normal.  In less than a week I was back at the gym weight training and doing an hour on the elliptical.  The worst thing I can say about it is that I have an itchy red spot for a day or two at the shot site.  The one piece of advice I would give you is to make sure the alcohol dries before sticking yourself, makes a HUGE difference pain wise.  But either way, the pain is doable.  Hope it works as well for you please let me know =)


matthew and linda
im very excited about the enbrel (2 shots 25mg a week) and i feel that it is going to be good for me... but im a bit too scared to hope....
thank you for your happy enbrel stories... they make me feel even more positive about the future

I got my life back with Enbril...oh wait...thats the commercial.

I have been on for 18 mos and it worked immediately.

Hi Anna,

I have just had my second weekly injection - it's not as painful as I thought it would be! I have noticed a difference already even though my Nurse warned it may take longer to see as I have switched from remicade. My hands are going slowly back to original size and my knee works all day now - even if still a bit knobbly! My back still painful and stiff but nowhere near as bad as before... It helped when doing my injection to set stuff out on the table and as someone else said wait fo the alcohol swab to dry on your skin. Also try to get the 45 degree angle right and keep it as you pull the needle out, I reckon in a few weeks I'll be an expert and it'll be much easier... I hope it goes well for you Anna!


I was on Enbrel for about a year and it worked wonders. Unfortunately, it just stopped working. I then moved up the biologic ladder and am currently doing antibiotic therapy in conjuction with biologic. My goal is to wean off the biologics when the antibiotics kick in and my RA becomes more stable.


KT Gena and Brisen
thanks for your replies.  its so good to hear about this medication working.   my only fear now is that life will be good for a while and then i'll get ill again.     i will just have to live in the here and now and take each day as it comes and enjoy the painless days when they are here, for as long as they are here.

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