Is it enbrel or MTX | Arthritis Information


I  have been on enbrel and MTX for about a year now. I started them at the same time. Meanwhile I have read threads that people are saying they are only on MTX or only on enbrel and they are helping them a great deal.
Is it possible that only one of these drugs are helping me?? If so, how do I find out which one?

Well, unfortunately to find out you would have to quit Enbrel or gradually lower your dose of mtx and see how that makes you feel.  If it were me...I would call my doc and say...doc...I am feeling great and would like to try and back off on my mtx dose gradually and see if I still feel great.  Hopefully you are one of the people that can do well on just one RA med.  That would be fantastic if you could!!!

It is nice to see that you are feeling so good!!!  That is awesome!!!  I really hope your RA is under control and you can back off of one of the meds!!!  Please keep us updated on what you decide to do and how you are feeling!!  Thank you for posting such wonderful news!! 

I started MTX first, with little result, then when Enbrel was added, their was a gigantic difference in my pain level and the things I could do.  When I see my RD on the 17th, he said I could start coming off the MTX and we'll see what happens.  I guess that's the only way to tell, coming off one of them.  Of course, it's not like I'm super knowlegeable about these things.  Maybe their is another way.

Oh, forgot to say I se my rheumy on Monday.

Perfect time to talk about this to your rheumy then!!!  let us know what happens!!

Bumping up for Thinkthin.

How'd the appointment go?

Peace & Love...Neasy

I just got back from the doctor and it went really well. So far I am doing good on the  meds.

I asked the doc if it is possible that only one of the meds is benefiting me? He said that these medications work together.
I also, mentioned that I take both meds on Monday NITE and on Sunday and Monday I start to feel all stiff again like the meds are pooping out on me.

He said" Take the enbrel on Monday and the mtx on thursday and that might stop the problem. Hmmm. I know I'm always second guessing but it dosent sound right. Anyone do this???

I do both of mine on the same day but I get the idea of what your doc is saying to you.  If you split up the days you are taking your shots you might not get that stiff feeling before your shots are due on Monday nite.  It really does make sense.  I am on humira which is every other week vs enbrel which is every week.  So splitting up my shots might make a difference towards where I am on a humira week. 

I am glad things went well for you and you are doing very well on your meds!! 

