Surgeon came in ,talked to mom | Arthritis Information


The ortho surgeon came in and asked mom about resusication during surgery, she had 2 units of blood today and things are not going too well. We are making preparations and mother wanted a new will and so forth put together  "just in case"so my sis and I have been busy with that.

It will be quite an extensive surgery.

My days have been quite stressful to say the least. Just some prayers would be nice. Wish I had more strength and energy for all this and not so fatigued because I am totally exhausted, will get more rest now. I can barely keep up with all the regular household stuff but like my brother always says, "it is what it is".





I am sorry... I will send some prayers your way. Just rest.

Thankyou, I wish I had more time and energy to contribute to the board, but it is just not there......this really sucks but hey, it is what I have to do. Thankfully I have my sis to help out, my brother has his hands full with his son and MIL fighting non-hodgkins lymphoma at the same time and in Indy, so we are just doin' what we can here.

Thankfully my daughter is fine and well and is with her bfriend so I do not have to worry about her.


I'm sorry hun :( My thoughts are with you and your family.


I don't like that the huggy face is smiling....sorry...I just wanted to send you hugs....

Prays and hugs!


(((hugs)))) and prayers for you and your family.Yes, hugs and prayers for you and all you family Jode. Jode, it sounds like you're doing a great job.  When is your mom's surgery?  Keep us posted.  Hugs, Lindy

Thank you all it is much appreciated. The surgeon stopped in her room this A/M ( does the man sleep?) and stated that machinery (?) will be in on monday and tues. Mom told me that so I have no idea what she is talking about. Regardless, surgery will be Wednesday late afternoon unless there is a cancellation.

she told the Dr. that if there are repeated complications to let her go.

We had bought her a portable DVD  player but she will not use it (says it is too complicated again...?) so I guess wed. we will be watching movies.

thanks to all


I don't know your story, but I can see that you have much to deal with.  I will pray for you and your family, definitly.  Please keep the board posted on what's going on.


I'm so sorry.  Prayers are going up to God right now.

Jode,My prayers are also with you and your family. I know it's a very hard time for you all. Take good care of yourself, too.

Gentle hugs and blessings,


Isn't life sad sometimes. Those we love get sick and we are beside ourselves. I'm really sorry, Lynda

Prayers for you and your family.  I hope everything goes well on Wed.


I am praying as we speak for you, your mom and the rest of your family as well. Please be sure to keep us updated.


Thinking about you and your family & hoping all goes well. (((Hugs))

Peace & Love...Neasy

Love and hugs, may your and your family find peace and strength in this difficult time.