Eli Lilli in Wash. DC | Arthritis Information


http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007-05-28-drug-lobb yists_N.htm

Note: 2nd paragraph after Capital on Capitol Hill, the score card - and who Eli Lilli hired.


Pip - you have a jewel there, here's another:



Cool website!

I keep saying this but nobody seems to care. 



"i'm not sick but i'm not well
and i'm so hot cause i'm in hell
been around the world and found
that only stupid people are breeding
the cretins cloning and feeding
and i don't even own a tv
put me in the hospital for nerves
and then they had to commit me
you told them all i was crazy
they cut off my legs now i'm an amputee, god damn you
i'm not sick but i'm not well
and i'm so hot cause i'm in hell
i'm not sick but i'm not well
and it's a sin to live so well........."

"paranoia paranoia
everybody's coming to get me
just say you never met me
i'm going underground with the moles
hear the voices in my head
i swear to god it sounds like they're snoring
but if you're bored then you're boring
the agony and the irony, they're killing me
i'm not sick but i'm not well...."


Welcome to my Nightmare!


What does that song mean, ariscowell? Does it mean you think that people
who think big pharma use money to influence politicians are paranoid? That
seems somewhat naive to me. Of course they use thier money to influence
politics. It's even institutionalised with people called "lobbyists' who's job it
is to spread the money and exert the influence. Pip! article is all about that
and it's from 'USA Today'. Nobody makes any pretense that's not happening.I have always been anti socialized medicine until recently. Now, I support it
100 percent and will vote for it if it comes on the ballot. This will end all
this lobbying that goes on. The dems are scum if they allow the same crap
to go on, but then, what can I expect. There is really only one party, and
you are either left or right. All I know, is the people are not being taken care
of like they shouuld. Bring on socialized medicine.Katie thinks that life is like a song, which it is in some cases. Katie, we are
passing this country on to you. I hope it will be in better shape for you and
your children. But it is also up to your generation to get off your ipods and
xboxes and quit shopping for a few minutes to fight for it to make it the
best it can be. It is really worth fighting for. I hate to see so many of you not
caring about it. You will see the importance of some of these
conversations as you get older. lorster39271.489212963I think most young people care, it's just so overwhelming they don't know
what to do. I remember in my 20's some Grandpa was talking about the
enviroment and how his generation had really messed it up and how it was
up to my generation to fix it, and that seemed so totally unfair to me! Now
I'm older I can see how these are long term problems, and we must all do
our part if we want positive change. If everyone would all do small, local
things we would eventually have critical mass for change.

Ah - I think life is a song.  When my daughter was 3 1/2 I taught her "Keith Richards" whenever she said she wanted something.  Now she will laugh and start singing "You can't always get what you want" by the Stones. 

I'm the first to agree that I don't like the idea of all this happening around my health care.  Just when I got sick - I started noticing the patterns.


P.S.  Katie will see how the election plays out.  Anybody want to bet on what the hot button issues are now?

Um....Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski, and those terrible illegal immigrants that are ruining it for everyone? Sorry...this thread is getting off track.

But I still don't want to delete my last post!
Yeah it's not that I don't care, it's that my generation is STILL vastly outnumbered in the booths. And we know it. We're turning mid 20's and early 30's and "you folks" (take that however you want to) are still treating us like we're 12, because we have a different outlook on how our country should be. *shrug* I've argued over this left and right with people, and at this point its like talking to a brick wall. I can't WAIT till elections. I'm stoked. This is the first one that I'll be voting for. Yes, I was able to last time, but really, who was going to beat Bush his second time around? There were nothing but monkies running against him. Oh, and the first time he ran, I missed the cut off for registering, my birthday was too close and I didn't have the time. So YAY on being able to have a voice for the first time. Just because I post a song that makes me chuckle, doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. And opinions are still like a**holes...everyone's got one, but no one wants to hear anyone elses! My a**hole is talking and it's saying if everyone who thought their vote wouldn't count would go out and vote the world would be a lot different and a lot better!

The bad guys are counting on the good guys not voting.
I know what you're saying gogo, I really do agree. I know it doesn't seem like it, especially after my comment.....just.....personally I HATE second term presidents. It *rarely* works out so well, and Bush's approval rating was already so low, and yet everyone already was speaking as if he was already re-elected. And really, that election was one of those "pick the lesser of two evils" and sadly, Bush was the lesser. UGH. I hate to think that was ever the case, but damn it was.

Actually, my pat reply is "did you vote in the last election?"  If the answer is "no" I say 'shut the frack up!'  You'd be surprised how many people I got voting that way.



LMAO pip!! I know, I know. Look, at least I WANT to vote! And I will! i swear!!!

If not - we shun the non-voters.  Especially since it's all going to be about us!  They can't make a socio/political post for 4 years. 


I have an even better idea. We could start a thread and call it the "Bashing The Non-Voters" thread. Maybe THEN the other bashing thread will finally die!

LMAO I hope some of that was sarcasm, cause if it was it was FUNNY. If it wasn't, well.....relax. ;-) Keep cool mah babies.

I'm sure there are many reasons that people don't vote, so you can't bash them all. Things happen. But at the very least, we should all be making the EFFORT to vote.

Sarcasm intended. 

BUT...unless one is either comatose or mentally incapacitated, I can't really think of a reason NOT to vote. What with mail-in/absentee ballots and all. I'm just saying.

Brisen39271.6603935185Actually, that's what I'm refering too. Car accidents, other accidents, death in the family, etc etc etc. I know that's probably like a big fat "DUH" but I'm just sayin. I don't know katie, I worked last nov on election day....and yes, i took the
time out of my 12 hour shift to vote. I took care of a man who was in the
hospital. He called up the election people. They brought his ballet to the
hospital and he voted. There is no excuse, short of a traffic accident or

Uh - I think you both are on the same side of this thing.

It's the ones that give the same old song and dance - you know, my vote doesn't count, it doesn't matter.

Back in the day I voted for some dancer in an election - it was one of those 'throw away' votes - I didn't really like the choices so I picked anybody else on form. 

Except the next day they printed out the numbers - and the 'bad guy' won by one vote.  If I'd have gone for the other guy (who was the least worst in the lot) it would have made a difference.  They'd have had to have a run off election. 

Every vote counts.

Even if you're tilting at windmills.


I just don't think Lorster likes me. *shrug* Whatevs.Katie, I do not know why you think I don't like you. Just the opposite. You
are one of the most likeable people on this board as far as I'm concerned. I
didn't mean to personalize my statement to you. I was generalizing and
shouldn't do that. I was a lot like you when I was your age. I'm exactly twice
your age. It is sad that anyone has to have RA but to have it your whole life,
I cannot even imagine the struggles you have had with it and I admire your
strength and humor despite all the adversities associated with RA. I'm just
glad there are treatments out there for everyone so that this disease can be
somewhat controlled. We are not going to agree on everything just as none
of us are going to agree on everything. That is what makes the world turn.

Alls i have to say is

560 Days

7 Hrs

4 Minutes

45 seconds

LOL SHANNON. All I could think about when I saw that countdown, is my OWN countdown to the Manson concert..........

Lorster - Thank you very much. :) I know we aren't always going to agree on everything, though I have to admit I *do* have unrealistic wishes that everyone could get along all the time and agree all the time....lol guess sometimes I live in my head too much
So shall we all be in DC on that day to escort him home?Alright, call be blonde........escort who home? :(

They lost me back at the bakery.


Thats about the time the new president takes oath.

I will admit that GWB did not turn out to be exactly what I had hoped. But if I went back to '04 knowing what I know now, I'd vote the same way. John Kerry?  Never. Ever.  I'm guessing that my political views make me sort of the odd man out on this board. It's ok with me if it's ok with you! Linncn, I voted John Kerry. I didn't feel he was the best candidate but to me,
he was the lesser of two evils and that is sad that we, the american people
are put in that position. Yesterday, they announced that not one benchmark
was met by the Iraqi govt. so I guess we are looking at at least another 5
years over there. I'm not sure these people want to meet the benchmards
set forth. 640 million so far for this war. I wonder how much health care
that could have bought?   If I had to do it over again, I would vote the same
way. This president is a disgrace to America. We have really lost what we
used to be about. Come election day, do what the Dems  in our Democrat machine controlled county in Illinois do - "Vote early and vote often".  It is amazing how dead people (who probably never voted in their lives) are resurrected and somehow get to the polls.  Yes, I am cynical but always vote anyway, at least my vote shows up in the final count.  PatI'm confused...are you saying the Democrats steal votes, and the
Republicans don't, or that both parties steal votes?

Man, you guys have some serious voting issues. OMG Pat you just made me laugh my butt off...Im from IL so i know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!!!

This war isn't sucesseful and won't be for three reasons. 1 We have a faction of our government plus a willing media that are hell bent on making us the bad guys.  Our troops die because a reasonable call in a high stress life or death situation is likely to get them crucified back home. 2 We won't use our full military strength.  The enemy is happy to use their own children as cover and do what they will because we'll sit on our hands and do nothing. And they know it. 3 Our President and others do not understand that even if we accomplish everything we have set out for, Iraq is still run by a religion that hates us, that considers us satan and thinks that it things like torture, treachery, lying, things that we think our bad, are really good and blessed by their god, and you know what?  According to the koran, they are right.  Their knife will be in our back whether we help them or not.

I will never vote for anyone that is for a socialized America.  Come to Michigan.  Meet the Canadians who come here for health care because they can't get in to see their own docs.  Or better yet, see the post on this board from the girl (I cannot remember which post) who was sooo happy because she flared on the day she went to see her SS doctor.  She was really hoping that the Social Security office would agree with his diagnosis so she could be treated.  Of course, she doesn't know the diagnosis, he can't, by law, divulge that information to her.  And while your in Michigan, see how much you like this welfare state.  And wave goodbye to the droves of people who are leaving. Hopefully I'll be one of them in the next few years.  A government supported people doesn't work, it just gives the government power to control them in just about every aspect of life.

Yeah, so that's what I think.  And I know everyone's gonna hate me now.  But ya gotta say what ya gotta say.

I think the above post belongs on the "I hate the Bushes" thread....so sorry
folks, I'm bumping it.

No, I dont necessarly think it belongs in the "I hate the Bush's" thread.  She was just stating her view point on what is generally going on. 

As much as i dont agree w/ Bush, we cannot put every bad thing that is going on in this country on him solely.  Yes, i believe there are alot of things that he could change but I think it in the end is a no win situation.  If he put as much focus on one perticular subject that is going on in the states as he has w/ the war he would get critizied for not helping w/ foreign relations.  We also cannot blame him solely on something that is going on in each individual state that is why we have our governors, senators etc for.  We cant say oh our state gvt is corrupt it's Bushes fault.  He is only one man that has to relely on those that are in charge to fix certain problems and if they cannot that is when it goes higher up.  You cannot expect the president, whomever it may be to worry about every little subject that is going on cross the country, he/she would never get anything done (not that he has already but thats for another time Well, all I can say then is I wouldn't trade my health care for yours. I can
actually afford my meds and no one in Canada has to do a clinical trial
because it's the only way they can get treatment. Also, I don't have an
insurance company deciding wether I'm sick or not or dictating my
treatment. When was the last time anyone got to vote as to who would be
the executives of thier insurance provider? I can think of a few people on
this forum alone that worked all their lives, then when they got sick and
lost their job their health insurance went with it and it's too bad for you
jack. It's a shame that the richest country in the world treats it's sick and
have-nots so poorly.

Also Bush is a bully.

Just stating my view point on what is generally going on.

PS...The post about the lady who was happy she flared before seeing the
SS doctor happened in the USA and that's exactly what I'm talking about
with how messed up your system seems to me. In Canada your doctor
decides (with you) what you need and then you get it--they don't have to
wait for some bureaucrat or underwriter to okay it. It's not a different
system for the uninsured like you have (because we don't have
uninsured). If you're going to have such strong opinions you should at
least base them on facts and not some propaganda mumbo jumbo
shoved down your throat by someone who's going to profit from it.Gimpy-a-gogo39273.8034259259It would be interesting to hear why people are against socialized medicine. I
had my reasons and they were mainly that I felt like people would become a
number and it was a dehumanized system. I am hearing otherwise from
Canadians. Any input?
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