Do you drink diet soda? | Arthritis Information


Okay, that other thread has me thinking... How many of you drink diet soda (of any type), diet hot chocolate, pudding, jello, yogurt, Crystal Light, etc? And how BAD is this splenda/aspartame stuff for us, anyway?

Thanks! Karin


But trying to get off all of it.

I don't think it's as bad as some zealots claim - but - I'd be interested in knowing how many 'real' Coke drinkers get AI diseases.


No, no diet stuff for me.

I say go for the gold, and eat the sugar Not much anymore.  I am so thirsty all the time I mostly drink my "cup of joe" in the morning and then water all day long.

There's no doubt in my mind that it's PLENTY bad for us. Wasn't aspartame linked to brain cancer in rats a few years back??

I've known for years that I need to cut down on the stuff, but always being diet conscious, I use Splenda in just about everything. Not good.

Isn't that stuff not good for kids under a certain age as well? I try not to let my son drink diet or sugar free stuff too much, as I think I read in a newsletter that is was bad for their developing brain.

Cup of Joe with Equal or Sweet-n-low? Black? Or real sugar?


I wish I could enjoy water more. It is SO boring to me! And I don't like the calories in other drinks, so I end up drinking diet. I wish I had SOMETHING good and calorie-free to replace it with!

Try those flavored syrups in your water.  That's how I managed to really wean myself off the DC.  You know, the stuff you can get at TJ Maxx or Rosses or at Cost Plus for adding into coffee.  They have little bottles if it sounds a little weird (like mocha) and in 'diet'.  I got raspberry, cherry, etc because I wanted to have some 'taste'.  Then, over time I just used less and less so now it's plain water.


I'm guilty too. There is a sweetner out called organic zero. I think the
website is I bought some and it is very good. Tastes just
like sugar, but all natural. Expensive though. I like my equal in my coffee
and splenda in everything else. I have to weigh if I want the weight or the

It would also be interesting to know how MANY diet sodas are consumed during a day. I've already confessed to drinking the stuff, so I might as well come clean and say how much.

During the week, while I'm at work, I probably drink three to four 32oz. diet cokes a day. On the weekend, I consume much least two 2 liter bottles a day.

I am cutting back, but it really is soooo addicting.


Brisen39270.9506944444 I would so love to drink diet sundrop but it makes me so sick. Aspertaime does too ... OHMY GOSH theres BON JOVI, I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE does equal and splenda and sweet and low Terrible nausea....  OH He is sooo cute...

I'm a Diet Pepsi drinker.  I have been known to drink 3-4 a day.  I also use Splenda or Equal.  I haven't had a problem using them.  I don't do diet Coke because it has given me a bad stomach ache everytime I've tried it. 

I drink diet caffeine-free Sam's Cola, from Wal Mart. I like it better than Diet Coke or Pepsi. I have a glass with me all the time and also a bottle of water. I usually get Arrowhead Spring Water. It has the best flavor, I think.

I also put bottles of water in the freezer, then drink as it melts. Yes I read the thread not long ago that freezing bottles of water is also bad for us. But my theory is , if we quit eating or drinking everything that shows up bad for us, in some study, we'd most surely starve to death.

We try to keep away from fried or high fat foods. I use fat-free "everything". There is such a good choice of items now, that I can always find a brand I like. But I'm sure there is some study saying fat-free is bad for us, too.

I haven't had much of an appetite for quite a while, but I think the Sjogren's just ruins the taste of food and drinks.

Anyway, back to the question. All my doctors know I drink diet soda and use splenda, and not one has suggested I quit. But I have to have something to drink with me at all times, or I couldn't even talk or swallow. All of you with Sjogren's know what I mean.

Hope everyone is well.


I used to be addicted to caffeine, and BAD. But then the heartburn thing got so bad, I kicked all carbonated beverages. And aside from the heartburn being significantly better, I don't really notice anything. *shrug* I grew up chugging sodas, koolaid, etc etc. But I don't miss it now. I drink water and sweet tea. That's pretty much it. I have two diabetic friends who LIVE on diet soda, and it's had no effect on them that any of us are aware of. I remember the whole cancer in lab rats thing. Unless I'm recalling it incorrectly, it was only ever found in lab rats. Last I checked, we're not rats.  [QUOTE=Brisen]

There's no doubt in my mind that it's PLENTY bad for us. Wasn't aspartame linked to brain cancer in rats a few years back??

I've known for years that I need to cut down on the stuff, but always being diet conscious, I use Splenda in just about everything. Not good. ????????????????????????? HUH???

I use Splenda in everything as well. I thought it was made from sugar but is suppose to be better for you. Great!!!! dont tell me this is bad for you too!!!! I love Splenda

[/QUOTE] I am off Diet Colas and soda altogether.  There are so many toxic chemicals in that stuff it's not funny.  I still have coffee and iced teas with the occasional splenda.  I must say I do feel a lot better.

I very rarely drink soda and when I do it's like Sprite or 7-UP.  Mostly I drink water, iced tea (which I am trying to kick the habit), flavored water, or Crystal Light. 

I must have missed that post with the freezing of water in bottles is bad for us.  Can someone PM me about that please?  I freeze bottles of water for my husband and then he puts them in his cooler for work.  They last longer than regular ice cubes. 


 I too was concerned about heating and freezing in plastic Gramma, but I googled it and Johns Hopkins says it is an urban legend. Said  it was actually safer to drink because freezing slows down the dioxin release. I drink regular soda (mostly Coke, preferably caffeine-free) because when I tried aspartame, I had a reaction (severe headache, starting seeing spots) and my doctor said for me to stay away from it.  I haven't tried Splenda or any other sweeteners, because honestly I'm nervous given the reaction I already had.  However, I used to drink Diet Coke back in high school, when it still had saccharin.Ugh....never touch the stuff. My general approach to foods is it can't be
made without industrial machinery (or a chem lab) I'm not ingesting it!
That's why I only eat butter and not margarine. I only eat sugar and not
aspartame. This is getting hard for me, though, as I LOVE sweets and on AP I
really shouldn't be having them. Boo hoo.


 What about decaf coffee? I use it all the time but I've heard some companies use chemicals to remove the caffine. Now I only buy fair trade gourmet that uses a Swiss water removal system. Pretty costly but delicious. Think this is safe?

I drink the occassional decaf (although very rarely), but I also buy only fair trade, shade grown, organic coffee and water decafiennated if I want decaf. I don't think a good decaf can hurt.



    SHHHEEWWW, Thats a relief, I drink it every morningOn the rare occasion that i do have anything carbonated (normally cola floats! That ice cream floating around in the cola has calcium in, which has gotta be good for me, yes?

Yep, I'm addicted to Diet Coke.  

I guess we all have our addictions.  I have never smoked, never used pot or drugs, and only have about 6 or so glasses of wine a year.  Diet Coke is my drug of choice, I guess.  I wish I could have my coffin made to look like a giant can of Diet Coke!

No diet soda drinking here. 

I'm with you on the addiction part Hillhoney! I also don't smoke, rarely drink alcohol, and don't do drugs, so in MY mind, that allows me to justify my Diet Coke addiction.

I was so excited a couple of years ago when 7-Eleven came out with the Diet Coke Slurpee. Man I loved those. But I quess they didn't go over very well, because I haven't been able to find a Diet Coke Slurpee machine for well over a year.  Thanks genesis for the info on freezing the water.  Appreciate it!!!



     You're Welcome Gramma  I can't get over the after taste.Just read the book "Skinny Bitch" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin and
quit drinking that crap cold turkey!
It is a great book about what is in EVERYTHING we eat. I highly
recommend everyone read may end up a VEGAN afterward,